AdaptiveProgressDialogResult<T> constructor

  1. DialogStatus status = DialogStatus.success,
  2. T? data,
  3. dynamic error,

The AdaptiveProgressDialogResult class represents the result of the dialog shown by the AdaptiveProgressDialog widget.

It contains a status property and an optional data property.

The status property indicates the status of the dialog using the DialogStatus enum:

*DialogStatus.success if the async confirmation callback succeed.

*DialogStatus.canceled if the dialog was closed using cancel button.

*DialogStatus.closed if the dialog was closed just by clicking outside it.

*DialogStatus.error if the dialog was closed with error that comes from confirmButtonCallback.


*AdaptiveProgressDialogResult.canceled() A factory method that creates a AdaptiveProgressDialogResult object with the status set to canceled.

*AdaptiveProgressDialogResult.error() A factory method that creates a AdaptiveProgressDialogResult object with the status set to error.

*AdaptiveProgressDialogResult.closed() A factory method that creates a AdaptiveProgressDialogResult object with the status set to closed.

*AdaptiveProgressDialogResult.success(T? data) A factory method that creates a AdaptiveProgressDialogResult object with the status set to success and the data property set to the provided value.


  this.status = DialogStatus.success,,