show<T> static method

Future<T?> show<T>(
  1. BuildContext context, {
  2. required AdaptiveState adaptiveState,
  3. Widget? title,
  4. Widget? content,
  5. List<AdaptiveAlertDialogButton>? actions,

Show the dialog, having title and content set. Also, you can set actions. To get a type or data returned, use T to set. A Future


static Future<T?> show<T>(BuildContext context,
    {required AdaptiveState adaptiveState,
    Widget? title,
    Widget? content,
    List<AdaptiveAlertDialogButton>? actions}) {
      (adaptiveState == AdaptiveState.Cupertino && actions != null) ||
          adaptiveState == AdaptiveState.Material,
      'It is recommended to provide buttons on Cupertino styled alerts, because iOS devices have no native "back" button like Android devices do. You can of course provide an empty array via []');
  return adaptiveState == AdaptiveState.Material
      ? showDialog<T>(
          context: context,
          builder: (_) => AdaptiveAlertDialog(
            title: title,
            content: content,
            actions: actions ?? [],
      : showCupertinoDialog<T>(
          context: context,
          builder: (_) => AdaptiveAlertDialog(
            title: title,
            content: content,
            actions: actions ?? [],