adaptive_design library
- AdaptiveContainer
- A widget that provides the adaptive design context to its children.
- AdaptiveDesignProvider
- A widget that provides the adaptive design context to its children.
- BreakpointManager
- A class that manages the breakpoints of the device.
- DeviceInfo
- A class that provides information about the device.
- ResponsiveSize
- A class that provides the responsive size of the device.
- ResponsiveText
- DeviceType
- The type of device.
- ResponsiveBorderRadius on BorderRadius
- A variant of BorderRadius.circular that takes a responsive size as input.
- ResponsiveContextExtensions on BuildContext
- A variant of BuildContext that takes a responsive size as input.
- ResponsiveEdgeInsets on Widget
- A variant of EdgeInsets that takes a responsive size as input.
- ResponsiveNumExtensions on num
- A variant of num that takes a responsive size as input.
- ResponsiveSizedBoxExtensions on SizedBox
- A variant of SizedBox that takes a responsive size as input.