A Flutter package containing conversion operations for ADA Handles ($handle)
- Checks if given policyId matches a $handle policyId
- Converts specific $handle value into $handle policyId + assetId HEX combination
- Prepends $handle policyId to given HEX asset value
Getting started
If you not yet familiar with ADA Handle please visit official page https://adahandle.com/
Run flutter pub add ada_handle
Run flutter pub get
Import package import 'package:ada_handle/ada_handle.dart';
Additional information
Check example how to use example
Check also the test use cases test file
You are very welcome to contribute to the package:
- Fork the Repo
- Add your changes (don't forget to add tests as well)
- Create a Pull Request (PR)
We will check your input asap
Created by AndroDevs @2022
Follow us on X AndroDevs
Support for this library is given as best effort.
This library has not been reviewed or vetted by security professionals.