RingColorScheme class

Color scheme for painting progress rings.

A single color scheme will be used by a Ring. You can provide only one of the parameters. The order of precedence when multiple params are availble is ringGradients > ringColors > ringGradient > ringColor. When single color params(ringColor, ringColors) are provided if gradient is true then the end color for the ring will be brightened by intensity%.

When painting for unavailable nth number ring is required, the colors will be interpolated from the last element in the list. For subsequent rings where color is not available, when gradient is true then end color of previous ring is used as start color for this ring and end color for this ring is generated by brightening of start color. When gradient is false, start color is obtained by brightening previous ring color, then this ring is painted with same color For more explanation and examples, read property documentation.


RingColorScheme({List<List<Color>>? ringGradients, List<Color>? ringColors, List<Color>? ringGradient, Color? ringColor, Color? backgroundColor, bool gradient = true, double intensity = 20, int maxNumRing = 3})


backgroundColor Color?
Color of background ring on which progress is drawn.
colors List<List<Color>>
Get Colors for painting rings.
no setter
first Color?
Get first color from first ring. Also store the result of first run to a cache variable.
no setter
gradient bool
True if the ring's color should change like gradient.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
intensity double
Percentage of intensity for brightening ring colors.
maxNumRing int
Maximum color gradients to cache for this scheme.
mode String?
Get which value should be used for coloring paint.
no setter
ringColor Color?
Creates ring colors from a single color.
ringColors List<Color>?
Creates a ring color from a single color based on position of color.
ringGradient List<Color>?
Creates ring colors from a list of colors (gradient will be forcefully switched to true).
ringGradients List<List<Color>>?
Creates ring colors from a list of list of colors (gradient will be forcefully switched to true).
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


backgroundRingPaint(double width) Paint
Paint for background ring.
getCirclePaints(int ringNum, Offset center, double width) RingPaints
Get cached paints for ringNum ring.
getPaints(Offset center, double width) List<RingPaints>?
Get cached paints
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
setPaints(Offset center, double width) → void
Generate paints for caching
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updateRingColors([int maxNumRing = 3]) → void
Update generated colors for more rings.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.