authenticate method

Future<Credential?> authenticate()

Open the Authentication Webpage

Returns Credential from the authentication call


Future<Credential?> authenticate() async {
  final client = await _client;
  Future<void> urlLauncher(String url) async {
    if (await canLaunch(url)) {
      await launch(url, forceWebView: true);

  final authenticator = testAuthenticator ??
        scopes: [],
        urlLauncher: urlLauncher,

  final credential = await authenticator.authorize();

  _token = await credential?.getTokenResponse();

  try {
    await closeWebView();
  } on MissingPluginException {
    debugPrint('closeWebView is not avaialbe on this platform');
  } on UnimplementedError {
    debugPrint('closeWebView is not avaialbe on this platform');

  return credential;