ActionCable in Dart
ActionCable is the default realtime websocket framework and protocol in Rails.
This is a dart port of the client and protocol implementation which is available in web, dartVM and flutter.
Connecting to a channel 🙌
cable = ActionCable.connect(
headers: {
"Authorization": "Some Token",
onConnected: (){
onConnectionLost: () {
print("connection lost");
onCannotConnect: () {
print("cannot connect");
Subscribing to channel 🎉
"Chat", // either "Chat" and "ChatChannel" is fine
channelParams: { "room": "private" },
onSubscribed: (){}, // `confirm_subscription` received
onDisconnected: (){}, // `disconnect` received
onMessage: (Map message) {} // any other message received
Unsubscribing from a channel 🎃
"Chat", // either "Chat" and "ChatChannel" is fine
{"room": "private"}
Perform an action on your ActionCable server 🎇
Requires that you have a method defined in your Rails Action Cable channel whose name matches the action property passed in.
action: "send_message",
channelParams: { "room": "private" },
actionParams: { "message": "Hello private peeps! 😜" }
Disconnect from the ActionCable server
ActionCable protocol
Anycable has a great doc on that topic.
Contributors ✨
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Clinton 💻 ⚠️ |
Hamad AlGhanim 💻 |
Fareesh Vijayarangam 💻 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!