generateAcronym function

String generateAcronym(
  1. String input, {
  2. List<String>? stopWords,
  3. bool splitSyllables = false,

Generates a acronym out of the given String.

input - The String to generate the acronym from. stopWords - A list of words to exclude from the acronym.

Throws a ArgumentError if the input only contains punctuation symbols.

Returns a String containing the acronym.


String generateAcronym(
  String input, {
  List<String>? stopWords,
  bool splitSyllables = false,
}) {
  final stopingWords = stopWords ?? word.stopWords;
  final ReCase recase = ReCase(input);
  final titleCaseString = recase.titleCase;
  final clearedString = titleCaseString.removePunctuation();
  if (clearedString.isEmpty) {
    throw ArgumentError(
      'String contained no letters. Cannot create acronym. String: $input',
  final List<String> tokenizedWords = clearedString.tokenize();
  final List<String> syllableWords = [];
  if (splitSyllables) {
    for (final element in tokenizedWords) {
  } else {
  final filtered = syllableWords
      .where((it) => !stopingWords.contains(it.toLowerCase()))
  final acronym = => it[0]).join();
  return acronym;