A minimal fuss library to create TLS certificates using Let's Encrypt or any other ACME V02 certificate provider. Supports HTTP-01 and DNS-01 challenges.

Create Certificate With HTTP-01 Challenge

Create a certificate using the HTTP-01 challenge. By default this will launch a new HttpServer on the local machine serve the challenge files. In this case, the code must be run from a machine that is publically accessible at all of the given host(s). You can optionally supply your own serveChallengeFile and removeChallengeFile functions to arrange another means of serving the file if needed.

var certs = await acmeHttp01Challenge(
    hosts: [''], 
    email: "",
    termsOfServiceAgreed: true,

// Use the certs

Create Certificate With DNS-01 Challenge

You will need to supply the functions createDnsTxtRecord and removeDnsTxtRecord to arrage adding and removing DNS records. This could be as simple as printing the value to stdout and waiting for a user to manually add the record, or more likely, an API call to your DNS provider. The value you return from createDnsTxtRecord will be be passed to removeDnsTxtRecord for your convieniance. This value is not used by this library. It could be record identifier, an authenticated dns client or any other object that aids in cleanup.

var certs = await acmeDns01Challenge(
    hosts: [''], 
    email: "",
    termsOfServiceAgreed: true,
    createDnsTxtRecord: (name, value) {
        // Create a TXT record on your DNS server
        // The value retured will be passed to [removeDnsTxtRecord]
    removeDnsTxtRecord: (recordId) {
        // Remove the TXT record


See example/cloud_flare.dart for a reference implementation of createDnsTxtRecord and removeDnsTxtRecord.

Using the certificates

Certificates can be accessed from certs.publicPem and certs.privatePem. These are string can can easily be stored to a file, distributed to a remote server, saved to a database, or otherwise deployed as needed.

See below for an example of how to start a dart server using the certfiicates.

  // Start a Secure Server
  var server = await HttpServer.bindSecure(

  /// Serve a sample document
  server.listen((HttpRequest request) {
    var parts = request.uri.pathSegments;
    if (parts.isEmpty || parts.singleOrNull == "index.html") {
        ..statusCode = HttpStatus.ok
        ..headers.contentType = ContentType.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <h1>Hello From HTTPS!</h1>
    } else {
        ..statusCode = HttpStatus.notFound
        ..write('Not Found');

Multiple Hosts And Wild Card Domains

You can create a certificate to secure multiple sites, including wildcard domains. See official ACME documentation for details.

await acmeDns01Challenge(
    hosts: ["", "", "*", ""], 
    account: account,
    createDnsTxtRecord: createDnsTxtRecord,
    removeDnsTxtRecord: removeDnsTxtRecord

In this example:

  • Secures the main domain, but no sub-domains
  • Secures a specific deeply nested subdomain.
  • * Secures all subdomains under (e.g.,, Only supported for DNS-01 challenges.
  • Secures another main domain.

