SignInSignUpWordings class


SignInSignUpWordings({String cancelButtonText = 'Cancel', String signInTitle = 'Sign in to Archer', String signInButtonText = 'Sign in', String signInAppBarTitle = 'Sign in', String sendACodeButtonText = 'Send a code', String continueWithPassword = 'Continue with Password', String forgotPasswordButtonText = 'Forgot Password?', String dontHaveAnAccount = "Don't have an Archer Account", String createYoursAccount = 'Create yours', String copyrightSignIn = 'Copyright © 2024 Archer. All rights reserved.', String privacyPoliciesButtonText = 'Privacy Policies', String termsOfUseButtonText = 'Terms of Use', String signUpTitle = 'Create an account', String signUpSubTitle = 'Fill the form bellow to create your account', String firstName = 'First Name', String lastName = 'Last Name', String emailOrPhone = 'Email or Phone', String password = 'Password', String confirmPassword = 'Confirm Password', String customerCode = 'Customer Code', String signUp = 'Sign Up', String forgotPassword = 'Forgot Password?', String signUpFootPageText = 'This system was created to make your work easier, by bringing all the information and the data you need to make efficient operational decisions, straight to your fingertips. Over the next few weeks, you will get to learn the logic and the flow of the system, the features, and the tools that Archer provides - nothing to be intimidated by. We are confident you will love Archer as much as we do (and we love Archer a lot). The Archer Team', String continueWord = 'Continue', String errorMessageTextFieldEmpty = 'Please enter some text', String errorMessageTextFielEmailOrPhone = 'The Login is not in the corect format', String errorMessageTextFieldPassword = 'the password is not strong enough', String errorMessageTextFieldPasswordWeak = "Weak. Your password is unsafe, add more letters, special characters and numbers", String errorMessageTextFieldPasswordAverage = 'Average. Your password is not safe enough. Try to add more special characters and numbers', String errorMessageTextFieldPasswordStrong = 'Strong. Your password is safe!', String errorMessageTextFieldConfirmPassword = 'The passwords you have entered do not match', String checkCodeTitle = 'Enter the digit code:', String checkCodeSubtitle = 'Sent to ', String checkCodePhoneSubtitle = 'Texted to ', String apiErrorTokenMessage = 'Invalid Company Token'})


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.