calculateContrast function

num calculateContrast(
  1. Color backgroundColor,
  2. Color foregroundColor

Calculates contrast ratio of given backgroundColor and foregroundColor.

The ratio will be in range from 0 to 21. Typically the ratio starts at 1, but in this implementation we do use color's opacity into account: if the color's opacity is 0, meaning full transparency, the ratio is considered 0:1.

An order in which colors to compare are provided do not affect resulting contrast ratio.


num calculateContrast(Color backgroundColor, Color foregroundColor) {
  final backgroundLuminance = backgroundColor.computeLuminance();
  final foregroundLuminance = foregroundColor.computeLuminance();

  final lighterColorLuminance = backgroundLuminance > foregroundLuminance
      ? backgroundLuminance
      : foregroundLuminance;
  final darkerColorLuminance = backgroundLuminance < foregroundLuminance
      ? backgroundLuminance
      : foregroundLuminance;

  final opacityUnawareContrast =
      (lighterColorLuminance + 0.05) / (darkerColorLuminance + 0.05);
  return opacityUnawareContrast *
      foregroundColor.opacity *