configure function

Pool? configure(
  1. Pool pool, {
  2. Duration? slowSqlThreshold,
  3. void onSlowSql(
    1. Map<String, dynamic> dataset,
    2. Duration timeSpent,
    3. String sql,
    4. dynamic values,
  4. FutureOr onPreSlowSql(
    1. Connection conn,
    2. Map<String, dynamic> dataset,
    3. String message
  5. @deprecated void onQuery(
    1. String sql,
    2. dynamic values
  6. @deprecated void onExecute(
    1. String sql,
    2. dynamic values
  7. String getErrorMessage(
    1. String sql,
    2. dynamic values
  8. bool shallLogError(
    1. DBAccess access,
    2. String sql,
    3. Object ex

Configures the access library.

Note: it must be called with a non-null pool before calling access to start a transaction.

  • pool - the pool used to establish a connection

  • slowSql - how long to consider a query or an execution is slow. It is used to detect if any slow SQL statement. Default: null (no detect).

  • onSlowSql - if specified, it is called when a slow query is detected. The dataset argument will be DBAccess.dataset, so you can use it to pass information to this callback. If not specified, the slow SQL statement will be logged directly.

  • onPreSlowSql = if specified, it is called right before onSlowSql. And, the message argument will carry the information about locks. The implementation can use the conn argument to retrieve more from the database. It is a different transaction than the one causing slow SQL. If not specified, nothing happens. The dataset argument will be DBAccess.dataset, so you can use it to store the message, and then retrieve it in onSlowSql. It is used for debugging purpose.

  • getErrorMessage - if specified, it is called to retrieve a human readable message of the given sql and values when an error occurs. Default: it returns a string concatenating sql and values.

  • shallLogError - test if the given exception shall be logged. Default: always true. You can turn the log off by returning false.

  • It returns the previous pool, if any.


Pool? configure(Pool pool, {Duration? slowSqlThreshold,
    void onSlowSql(Map<String, dynamic> dataset, Duration timeSpent, String sql, dynamic values)?,
    FutureOr onPreSlowSql(Connection conn, Map<String, dynamic> dataset, String message)?,
    void onQuery(String sql, dynamic values)?,
    void onExecute(String sql, dynamic values)?,
    String getErrorMessage(String sql, dynamic values)?,
    bool shallLogError(DBAccess access, String sql, Object ex)?}) {
  final p = _pool;
  _pool = pool;
  _defaultPreSlowSqlThreshold = _calcPreSlowSql(
      _defaultSlowSqlThreshold = slowSqlThreshold);
  _onSlowSql = onSlowSql ?? _defaultOnSlowSql;
  _onPreSlowSql = onPreSlowSql;
  _onQuery = onQuery;
  _onExecute = onExecute;
  _getErrorMessage = getErrorMessage ?? _defaultErrorMessage;
  _shallLogError = shallLogError ?? _defaultShallLog;
  return p;