subscribe method

Stream<PresenceMessage> subscribe({
  1. PresenceAction? action,
  2. List<PresenceAction>? actions,

Returns a stream that emmits a PresenceMessage each time a matching action, or an action within an array of actions, is received on the channel, such as a new member entering the presence set.

There is no unsubscribe api in flutter like in other Ably client SDK's as subscribe returns a stream which can be used to create a cancellable stream subscription


Stream<PresenceMessage> subscribe({
  PresenceAction? action,
  List<PresenceAction>? actions,
}) {
  if (action != null) actions ??= [action];
  return listen<PresenceMessage>(PlatformMethod.onRealtimePresenceMessage, {
  }).where((presenceMessage) =>
      actions == null || actions.contains(presenceMessage.action));