sendOTPCode function

Future<String?> sendOTPCode(
  1. String phone,
  2. BuildContext context,
  3. dynamic login(),
  4. dynamic _goToCode(),
  5. AppSettings appSettings,
  6. String stringCodeSent,


Future<String?> sendOTPCode(String phone, BuildContext context,
    Function() login, Function() _goToCode, AppSettings appSettings,
    String stringCodeSent, //  Code sent. Please check your phone for the verification code.
    ) async { // parent.appSettings

  _lastPhone = checkPhoneNumber("${appSettings.otpPrefix}$phone");
  // var _sym = localAppSettings.otpPrefix.length+localAppSettings.otpNumber;
  // if (_lastPhone.length != _sym)
  //   return "${strings.get(141)} $_sym ${strings.get(142)}"; /// "Phone number must be xx symbols",

  try {

    // Twilio
    if (appSettings.otpTwilioEnable) {
      var serviceId = appSettings.twilioServiceId;
      var url = '$serviceId/Verifications';
      Map<String, String> requestHeaders = {
        'Accept': "application/json",
        'Authorization' : "Basic ${base64Encode(

      Map<String, dynamic> map = {};
      map['To'] = _lastPhone;
      map['Channel'] = "sms";

      var response = await, headers: requestHeaders,
          body: map).timeout(const Duration(seconds: 30));
      if (response.statusCode == 201) {
        messageOk(context, stringCodeSent); /// Code sent. Please check your phone for the verification code.
        return null;
        return response.reasonPhrase;

    if (appSettings.otpEnable) {
      _verificationId = "";
      dprint("sendOTPCode $_lastPhone}");

      if (kIsWeb){
        dprint("sendOTPCode $_lastPhone}");
        ConfirmationResult? result;
        result = await FirebaseAuth.instance.signInWithPhoneNumber(_lastPhone);
        _verificationId = result.verificationId;
        await FirebaseAuth.instance.verifyPhoneNumber(
            phoneNumber: _lastPhone,
            timeout: const Duration(seconds: 60),
            verificationCompleted: (PhoneAuthCredential credential) async {
              dprint("Verification complete. number=$_lastPhone code=${credential.smsCode}");
              await FirebaseAuth.instance.signInWithCredential(credential);
            verificationFailed: (FirebaseAuthException e) {
              dprint('Phone number verification failed. Code: ${e.code}. Message: ${e.message}');
              messageError(context, 'Phone number verification failed. Code: ${e.code}. Message: ${e.message}');
            codeSent: (String _verificationId, int? resendToken) {
              _verificationId = _verificationId;
              dprint('Code sent. Please check your phone for the verification code. verificationId=$_verificationId');
              messageOk(context, stringCodeSent); /// 'Code sent. Please check your phone for the verification code.'
            codeAutoRetrievalTimeout: (String _verificationId) {
              dprint('codeAutoRetrievalTimeout Time Out');
              _verificationId = "";
              messageError(context, 'Time Out');

    // Nexmo
    if (appSettings.otpNexmoEnable) {
      _codeSent = generateCode6();
      var _text = appSettings.nexmoText.replaceFirst("{code}", _codeSent);
      dprint("otpNexmoEnable $_text}");
      if (_lastPhone.startsWith("+"))
        _lastPhone = _lastPhone.substring(1);

      Response response;
      if (kIsWeb){
        Map<String, dynamic> _body = {};
        _body['url'] = "";
        _body['backurl'] = currentHost;
        _body['from'] = appSettings.nexmoFrom;
        _body['text'] = "$_text ";
        _body['to'] = _lastPhone;
        _body['api_key'] = appSettings.nexmoApiKey;
        _body['api_secret'] = appSettings.nexmoApiSecret;
        response = await""),
            body: _body,
            headers: {
              'Accept': "application/json",
        final body = convert.jsonDecode(response.body);
        print("otpNexmo Send body=$body");
        if (body["code"] == 200){
          messageOk(context, stringCodeSent); /// 'Code sent. Please check your phone for the verification code.'
        response = await""),
            body: convert.jsonEncode({
              "from": appSettings.nexmoFrom,
              "text" : "$_text ",
              "to" : _lastPhone,
              "api_key": appSettings.nexmoApiKey,
              "api_secret": appSettings.nexmoApiSecret
            headers: {
              "content-type": "application/json",
        final body = convert.jsonDecode(response.body);
        dprint("otpNexmo Send body=$body");
        if (response.statusCode == 200){
          messageOk(context, stringCodeSent); /// 'Code sent. Please check your phone for the verification code.'


    if (appSettings.otpSMSToEnable) {
      _codeSent = generateCode6();
      // DEBUG
      // messageOk(context, strings.get(179)); /// 'Code sent. Please check your phone for the verification code.'
      // return _goToCode();

      var _text = appSettings.smsToText.replaceFirst("{code}", _codeSent);

      Response response;
      if (kIsWeb){
        //curl -L -X GET "{api_key}&to=+35794000001&message=This is test and %0A this is a new line&sender_id=smsto"\
        response = await http.get(Uri.parse(
      }else {
        dprint("otpSMSToEnable $_text}");
        response = await""),
            body: convert.jsonEncode({
              "message": _text,
              "to": _lastPhone,
              "bypass_optout": false,
              "sender_id": appSettings.smsToFrom,
              "callback_url": ""
            headers: {
              "content-type": "application/json",
              "Authorization": "Bearer ${appSettings.smsToApiKey}",
      final body = convert.jsonDecode(response.body);
      dprint("SMSTo Send body=$body");
      if (response.statusCode == 200){
        messageOk(context, stringCodeSent); /// 'Code sent. Please check your phone for the verification code.'

    return "sendOTPCode " + ex.toString();

  return null;