platformExceptionToFirebaseException function

FirebaseException platformExceptionToFirebaseException(
  1. PlatformException platformException, {
  2. required String plugin,

Converts a PlatformException into a FirebaseException.

A PlatformException can only be converted to a FirebaseException if the details of the exception exist. Firebase returns specific codes and messages which can be converted into user friendly exceptions.


FirebaseException platformExceptionToFirebaseException(
  PlatformException platformException, {
  required String plugin,
}) {
  Map<String, Object>? details = platformException.details != null
      ? Map<String, Object>.from(platformException.details)
      : null;

  String? code;
  String message = platformException.message ?? '';

  if (details != null) {
    code = (details['code'] as String?) ?? code;
    message = (details['message'] as String?) ?? message;

  return FirebaseException(
    plugin: plugin,
    code: code,
    message: message,