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Results22 packages owned by karapetov.com
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Implementation of RFC 9535 - JSONPath: Query Expressions for JSON. Reads and writes values in parsed JSON objects using queries like `$.store.book[2].price`.
Tools for Dart package maintainers. Automates changelog and pubspec updates.
A framework-agnostic implementations of JSON:API Client and Server. Supports JSON:API v1.0 (https://jsonapi.org)
JSON Pointer (RFC 6901). Reads/writes referred values in JSON documents.
A Changelog manipulation library. Read/modify/write your CHANGELOG.md. Inspired by keepachangelog.com.
Yet another variation of the good old Maybe monad with eager execution written in Dart.
A renderer (printer) for the markdown library. Renders the parsed AST back into markdown.
Extension on Dart `pub_semver` library. Provides `nextBuild`, `nextPreRelease` and `change`.
JSON Patch (RFC 6902). Implements Add, Copy, Move, Remove, Replace, Test operations on JSON documents using JSON Pointers.
A minimalistic Dependency Injection and Service Locator implementation in Dart.