Results91 packages
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A Dart package that helps to implement value based equality without needing to explicitly override == and hashCode.
A simple Dart package that provides fast and secure equality comparison as a mixin. It optionally offers hash caching to improve the speed of Map's and Set's significantly.
Annotations for code generator 'autoequal_gen' to simplify work with 'equatable'. It will generate 'List<Object?> props' private extensions for all annotated classes.
A tool to convert toString() which is hard to read generated by such as Equatable or Freezed to be human-readable.
A port in dart of the youtube explode library. Supports several API functions without the need of Youtube API Key.#youtube#video#streams
A simple and customizable flutter package for inputting phone number in intl / international format uses Google's libphonenumber.
A state management library that enables concise, fluid, readable and testable business logic code.
Button, which animates between idle, progress and success/error state, indicating that some process is running in the background.

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