Results12 packages
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A BIP32 ( compatible library for Flutter writing by Dart.
listview scroll to bottom ,can load more data. help developer paging load data.
Tiny functional event emitter / pubsub. Inspired by npm "mitt"
A dart-lang implementation of the Multihash protocol of Multiformats.
This is a package of flutter custom components, including button, step, popuwindow, alerterDialog and many other components, each component is listed in detail in the readme document through the table [...]
A BIP32 ( compatible library for Flutter writing by Dart.
App service based on GetX library.
This package help you to convert recursive function into the while-loop codes. so that program won't meet out of memory that caused by stack overflow.
A Flutter plug-in aimed at providing various carousel widgets.
A Flutter widget for displaying Chinese currency format with flexible customization.

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