Results99 packages
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A BIP32 ( compatible library for Flutter writing by Dart.
A BIP32 ( compatible library for Flutter writing by Dart.
A simple (but correct) dart class for validating email addresses
Turns text URLs and emails into clickable inline links in text for Flutter.
a lightweight gesture detector that supports multiple types(Tap, DoubleTap, Scale, Long-Press, Move) and all callbacks can be used simultaneously
contactus is the package which helps the developers to add their contact information with ease.Developers can add many important details such as website, email, phone number, etc.
Package helps you to make email or phone number contact tags like Google Gmail
Simple Dart package for creating mailto links in your Flutter apps
ProAnimatedBlur is a widget that blurs the underlying area of its child widget and it works like AnimatedContainer, AnimatedOpacity
A Flutter package to parse text and make them into multiple Flutter Text widget.

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