Results15 packages
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If user clicks 'OK' button the returned value will be true else it will be false.
Very fast Marker clustering for flutter_map. Supports efficient adding/removing of Markers.
A state management solution on top of Router API for larger apps.
Dart/Flutter package for using Elastic App Search through a simple API returning easy to handle objects
Package of Dart & Flutter structures shared between devtools_app and devtools extensions.
icapps architecture components for flutter projects. Contains commonly used code for logging, extensions, ...
App service based on GetX library.
Flutter Library to create appstore easily in your app easily
Add an onboarding screen to your app, this is a fork of SKOnBoardingScreen by senthilece01 (That doesn't work in nullsafety and newer flutter versions))
A wrapper for the App Store Connect API. Meant for the `automatic_version_upgrader`.

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