Results25 packages
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A dart package to integrate Cloudinary API in Dart and Flutter.
Previously known as cloud_firestore_mocks. Fake implementation of Cloud Firestore. Use this package to unit test apps that use Cloud Firestore.
This is a dart package for Cloudinary API that allows you to upload and manage files in your cloudinary cloud.
The web implementation of cloud_firestore
A Nextcloud API client written in Dart supporting all maintained Nextcloud server versions.#nextcloud#openapi#webdav
Tencent Cloud Chat SDK. Globally interconnected In-App Chat, user profile and relationship chains and offline push.
A dart plugin to use the Firebase Cloud Messaging Api (JS). You can retrieve the user's FCM token, delete it, access the notification data, ...
With TRTC, you can quickly develop cost-effective, low-latency, and high-quality interactive audio/video services.
Scrape metadata about users, tracks, playlists, and albums from SoundCloud without requiring an account, API key, or rate-limiting.
un-official dart client wrapper for the api consume the holy book of quran

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