Results422 packages
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A simple flutter plugin to setup sliverlist with TabBar with minimal code.
A 2D Bézier curve math library. Based heavily on the work of @TheRealPomax <>. Live examples can be found at <>.
A Sliver Flutter widget that can be used to expand or collapse another child Sliver widget#sliver#widget#expandable
LiveData is a data holder class that can be observed. This is a Flutter implementation of LiveData in Android Jetpack library
A table widget that can be used inside of a [CustomScrollView].
A very simple package to display the live ripple effect. it can also be used to give any widget the rippling effect, just assign it to the child.
SliverAppBarTitle is a widget that can be used to show a title on pinned SliverAppBar based on scrolling and particular widget
An event without data, using StreamController to be used in flutter projects.
A set of useful sliver tools that are missing from the flutter framework
Flutter port of the official YouTube iFrame player API. Supports web & mobile platforms.

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