Results1909 packages
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Compress Pictures. Can effectively reduce the size of the transmission.
Flutter plugin for Intercom integration. Provides in-app messaging and help-center Intercom services
Sqflite web implementation using sqlite3 ffi and sqlite3 wasm.#sql#database
Material Design charting library for flutter. Forked from google/charts.
Easily compare two images with a slider and a draggable line/handle, fully customizable.
Dart common utils library.Contain DateUtil, EncryptUtil, JsonUtil, LogUtil, MoneyUtil, NumUtil, ObjectUtil, RegexUtil, TextUtil, TimelineUtil, TimerUtil.
A Flutter widget that wraps a TextFormField and assists with autocomplete functionality.
Flutter's compute function made available for all non-Flutter Dart programs
flutter_command is a way to manage your state based on `ValueListenable` and the `Command` design pattern.

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