Results10 packages
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A growing collection of cool, elegant, efficient and performance-optimized animation widgets.
A growing collection of cool, elegant, efficient and performance-optimized animation widgets.
Flutter SDK Library for GrowingIO Flutter Plugin.
Package to simplify the package translation.
The missing navigation library for Navigator 2. NavigationUtils simplifies the process of integrating Flutter's Navigator 2 into your applications.
A lightweight library for parsing, traversing, querying, transforming and building XML documents.#parser#sax#xml#xpath
Unleashing Apple Vision OS Capabilities in Flutter
A library to interact with kuzzle API. A backend software, self-hostable and ready to use to power modern cross-platform apps.
A fast and universal 2D rendering engine for HTML5 and Dart.
An interpreted Lisp inspired by Clojure. Runs on all Dart targets.

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