Results15 packages
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Integration of OpenAI API using Flutter framework, ChatGPT and more
Use the NewsApi v2 service in Dart. The library has a clear return structure and an easy-to-use API.
A wrapper for the Square Connect APIs. It's intended use is in a flutter application to manage inventory, catalog, customers, labor, and more on the Square platform.
This package allows implementing payment acceptance into mobile, web, desktop apps and works as an extension to the YooMoney API
A Flutter plugin for Color's Name by Color Code. Supports iOS, Android, web, Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Implementation of the Quran API based on the official documentation
Lichess HTTP client based on Dio. Cross-platform API wrapper written in pure Dart.
Flutter general widget for submitting git issues based on common template.
Deep Translator HTTP client based on Dio. Cross-platform API wrapper written in pure Dart.

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