Results154 packages
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A powerful grid layout system for Flutter, optimized for complex user interface design.
A login widget with login/signup functionalities to help speed up development
A Flutter plugin to create responsive grid lists using ListView.builder() or SliverList with a SliverChildBuilderDelegate.
xterm.dart is a fast and fully-featured terminal emulator for Flutter applications, with support for mobile and desktop platforms.
A Dart client to integrate with Azure's Application Insights service
Package for load, manipulate, and save GPS data in GPX format (a light-weight XML data format for the interchange of GPS data - waypoints, routes, and tracks).
SIMD-based linear algebra and statistics, efficient manipulation with numeric data
A rich text editor built for the modern Android, iOS, web and desktop platforms. It is the WYSIWYG editor and a Quill component for Flutter.#ui#widgets#widget#rich-text-editor#quill
Dart extension methods for Iterable and List. You can easily sum, count elements and many more.
A flutter client for ASP.NET Core SignalR. The client is able to invoke server side hub functions and to receive method invocations issued by the server.

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