Results32 packages
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A bridge package between google_sign_in and googleapis_auth, to create Authenticated Clients from google_sign_in user credentials.#authentication#google-sign-in
Mocks for Google Sign In. Use this package with `firebase_auth_mocks` to write unit tests involving Firebase Authentication.
Third Party Login is simple way to sign-in with different types of third party login systems.
Store files in the cloud from Flutter apps. In the first step we only support Google Drive but adding other clouds is much appreciated.
Flutter package to work with Google My Business API. Simplifies communication & interaction with GMB API endpoints.
Easy to use library for using Google Drive and Google sign in
altfire_authenticator is a package wrapping FlutterFire Authentication. It was created to make Firebase SDK versioning and methods easier to use. It is recommended to use the various altfire packages [...]
A Dart/Flutter package for authorization & authentication, includes SMART on FHIR and Google sign-in
[google_sign_in] wrapper using [lazy_sign_in] interface. Support web and app Google sign in.
FTeam's Datasource Authentication, this package - This package was developed to be a facilitator to implement the different forms of login that we have (facebook, apple, google, etc.)

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