Results26 packages
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Image Editor Plugin with filters, drawing, text and emoji like stories.
A rich text editor built for the modern Android, iOS, web and desktop platforms. It is the WYSIWYG editor and a Quill component for Flutter.#ui#widgets#widget#rich-text-editor#quill
A showcase/sandbox library to help you build isolated widgets in Flutter
A flutter package for easily and consistently showing material themed picker dialogs.
Amazing package help you to view your plans or important dates in calendar.
User can change the whole app theme color like button, bakground, appbar color
Wrapper around `flutter_colorpicker` to use with `reactive_forms`.
Tool to view and navigate one app with different settings at the same time#devtools#navigation#preview#screenshot
Dynamically change your color theme, including light and dark mode. Persist the colors across restarts.
Zebra Design System components for Flutter. A selection of UI components from Zebra Technologies.

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