Results25 packages
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A utility class used to bind callbacks to a combination of zero or more physical keys on a keyboard.
A widget that toggles the visibility of its child by simultaneously fading the child in or out while translating its positional offset.
An unopinionated XML parser that can read, traverse, modify, and write XML documents.
An implementation of List that enforces all elements be unique.
Extension methods for the num class (ints and doubles) that adds functionality for finding the square, cube, and higher order roots and powers of the number.
A package for creating, generating, and interfacing with color palettes. With support for the CMYK, HSI, HSL, HSP, HSB, LAB, Oklab, RGB, and XYZ color spaces.
A widget that implicitly rotates its child to the provided angle in the direction allowed by the constraints: closest, furthest, clockwise, or counter-clockwise.
Transforms text by taking capture groups matched by a [RegExp] and outputting them as plain text and/or evaluating them as expressions, as defined by an output template.
A collection of basic extension methods for Iterables, Lists, and Sets; and, a base class for higher-level implementations of List.
A collection of extension methods for nums, ints, and doubles; and iterables of nums, ints, and doubles.

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