Results17 packages
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WeakMap is a map where the keys are weakly referenced. WeakContainer lets you check if an object is the same you had before. Cache functions for memoization with weak-references.#memory#memory-management#cache#collections#data-structures
Redux state management. An optimized Redux version, which is very easy to learn and use, yet powerful and tailored for Flutter. It allows both sync and async reducers.#redux#state-management
Translation and Internationalization (i18n) for Flutter. Easy to use for both large and small projects. Uses Dart extensions to reduce boilerplate.#internationalization#localization#translation#i18n#extension
BDD framework for Dart/Flutter. Lets you create BDD tests in code, and gives you easy to read error messages when assertions fail. Exports to Gherkin/Cucumber feature files.#bdd#behavior-driven-development#test#tdd#project-management
Allows you to use Provider with Redux. Uses AsyncRedux, the non-boilerplate version of Redux (
Dart-only core package for the Async Redux state management, the easy and powerful version of Redux.
Dart-only package for Translation and Internationalization (i18n), with Dart extensions. Easy to use for both large and small projects.#internationalization#localization#translation#server#backend

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