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Huawei Drive Kit provides cloud storage for your apps, enabling users to store files that are created in Drive while using your apps, including photos, videos, and documents.
Huawei AdsPrime Kit plugin for Flutter utilizes Huawei's vast user base and extensive data capabilities to deliver targeted, high quality ad content to users.
Huawei DTM plugin for Flutter. With Huawei DTM, you can dynamically update tracking tags to track specific events and report data to third-party analytics platforms.
Huawei AR Engine Flutter Plugin is a platform for building augmented reality (AR) apps on Android smartphones using the Flutter framework.
Huawei Wallet Kit provides easy-to-access digital passes such as cards, coupons etc. on an integrated platform.
Nearby Service Data Communication allows apps to easily discover nearby devices and set up communication with them using technologies such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.
HUAWEI Awareness Kit provides your app with the ability to obtain contextual information including users' time, location, behavior, ambient light, weather, and nearby beacons.

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