Results43869 packages
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A file system watcher. It monitors changes to contents of directories and sends notifications when files have been added, removed, or modified.
A flutter package which will help you to generate pin code fields. Can be useful for OTP for example.
Provides a collection of Flutter grids layouts (staggered, masonry, quilted, woven, etc.).
A library to programmatically manipulate source map files.
A shelf handler for proxying HTTP requests to another server.#server#shelf
Manage a finite pool of resources. Useful for controlling concurrent file system or network requests.
A flexible syntax for boolean expressions, based on a simplified version of Dart's expression syntax.
A shelf handler for serving a `packages/` directory.#server#shelf
The user facing API for structuring Dart tests and checking expectations.
Utilities to write a client or server using the JSON-RPC 2.0 spec.

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