youtube_data_v3 0.0.1 copy "youtube_data_v3: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
youtube_data_v3: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard


A youtubeV3 package

youtube_data_v3 #

Package contains functions to access Youtube Data API V3 via the API key.

The package uses Api's with parameters having less quota's.

Features #

  • Channel & videos from channel id.

Usage #

To use this plugin add 'youtube_data_v3' as a dependency in pubspec.yaml file.

Example #

import 'package:youtube_data_v3/youtube_data_v3.dart';
import 'package:youtube_data_v3/youtube_channel.dart';
import 'package:youtube_data_v3/youtube_video.dart';

final ytApi = YoutubeV3();
ytApi.init("API KEY");
YtChannel channel = await ytApi.getChannelFromId("CHANNEL ID");
//Get title of channel
//Get the channel uploads(All the videos in a channel) id
//Get the channel Description
//Get the channel url
//Get the channel thumbnail
ThumbnailDetails channelTumbnail = channel.thumbnailDetails;
//Get the channel publised date
DateTime chPubTime = channel.publishedAt;
//Get google youtube api channel
Channel gApi = channel.gApiChannel;

//Get the first page of videos from channel. Optional: Max num of Results, Optional: get duration of video also (defaults to false)
List<YtVideo> videoList = await channel.getPageOfVideos(numResults: 10, showDuration: true);

//Shows the next page of videos from the last time a call was made to getPageOfVideos
videoList = await channel.getPageOfVideos(numResults: 10, showDuration: true, showNextPage: true);
//gives previous page of videos from the last time a call was made to getPageOfVideos
videoList = await channel.getPageOfVideos(numResults: 10, showDuration: true, showPrevPage: true);

//Get title of video
//Position of video in the list of videos received
//Get duration of video
print(videoList[0].duration);//Showed as 10:41 or 1:10:41
//Get description
//Get Video id
//Get thumbnail
ThumbnailDetails videoThumbnail = videoList[0].thumbnailDetails;
// Get published date
DateTime vidPubTime = videoList[0].publishedAt;
//Get channel id
//Get playlist id of the video
//Get google youtube api video item
PlaylistItem videoItem = videoList[0].videoItem;

Getting Started #

This project is a starting point for a Dart package, a library module containing code that can be shared easily across multiple Flutter or Dart projects.

For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.