yaz_server_api 0.0.6+6 copy "yaz_server_api: ^0.0.6+6" to clipboard
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Yaz Framework Api For Dart Server

A library for Dart developers.

Created from templates made available by Stagehand under a BSD-style

Yaz Server Api #

Framework #

Yaz server api is useful framework for database-server-client connection. yaz_client_package Yaz Client package supports web and mobile.

  • Web Secket : As default all server-client communications done via WebSocket.
  • Encrypted: Almost all data is encrypted with different tokens for each session.
  • Send Data: You can instantly send data to all connected devices.
  • Database Implement: You can forward incoming requests directly to the database.
  • Triggers: You can define triggers for operations on the database.
  • Periodic Operations: You can set periodic operations
  • Listen DB Operations: You can listen db changes
  • Permission Handler: You can control operation permissions based on user or source data.
  • Auth Service: You can use Auth Operations
  • Chat Service: You can use simply Chat operations
  • Custom Socket Operations: You can listen custom web socket messages and define operations
  • Custom Http Request Implement You can listen http request and define custom requests
  • Query standardization
  • SocketData standardization

Usage #

A simple usage example for server:

Init Once

import 'package:yaz_server_api/yaz_server_api.dart';  
main() {  
  /// Mongo Db Database implemented  
  /// from yaz_server_api  
  var mongoDb = MongoDb();  
  /// init your database api  
  /// with your database connectionConfiguration  
  /// and secret keys  
  /// and http server  
  YazServerApi(databaseApi: mongoDb).init(  
         clientSecretKey1: "secret",  
          clientSecretKey2: "secret",  
          tokenSecretKey1: "secret",  
          tokenSecretKey2: "secret",  
          deviceIdSecretKey: "secret",  
          server: HttpServer.bind("localhost", 1234),  
          connectionConfiguration: {  
           "address" : "mongodb://"  
          } /// for mongo db  

Implement Your Database

Now, in yaz_server_api implement only mongo db operations But other databases implements coming soon You can implement Your Database like mongo db example:

///Mongo Db Service  
class MongoDb extends DatabaseApi {
Future<bool> connect() async {  
	mongoDb = Db(connectionConfig["address"]);

///query single document
Future<Map<String, dynamic>?> query(Query query) async {  
  return operation(query, () async {  
		/// if you want to encapsulate; 
		/// [permission handler]
		/// [database triggers]
		/// [listen]
		/// you can wrap your function with
		/// operation(query , Map<String , dynamic> Function())
// Supported operations
Future<Map<String, dynamic>?> update(Query _query);
/// ......

Check Permission

You can set default rules for all operation types

  ..defaultRules = PermissionHandler.fillAllRules(rule: true)


  ..defaultRules = {  
	  DbOperationType.create : false,  
	  DbOperationType.read : true,  
	  DbOperationType.delete : false,

Check Permission:

	..permissionChecker = (query) {
		"collection_name" : {
			DbOperationType.read: () async => true,
			///other operation types
			///if not type use default

		/// Users example
		'users': {  
			  /// Block out of your client  
			  DbOperationType.read: () async {  
						  return query.token != null;  
			  /// everyone can create an account for themselves  
			  DbOperationType.create: () async =>  
						  query.token!.uId == query.data!['user_id'],  
			  /// everyone can update an users data for your document  
			  DbOperationType.update: () async {  
						  return query.token != null &&  
							  query.token!.authType == AuthType.loggedIn &&  
							  query.token!.uId == query.equals["user_id"];  
			  /// delete is false as default

Set Triggers

Database Triggers


triggerService.onUpdate("posts", (query, before, after) async {  
  print("post updated from $before  to $after  by ${query.token!.uId}");
  /// post updated from null to <user-data>  by <user-id>
  /// before is null. Because beforeRequired is false
} ,beforeRequired: false);

On Create

triggerService.onCreate('collection', (query) async {  
  /// query have created data


triggerService.onDelete("collection", (query, before) async {  
  print("Document Deleted: $before");  
}, beforeRequired: true);
Auth Triggers
  ..onUserLoggedIn("my_first_logged_in", (user) async {  
	  print("USER LOGGED : ${user.toJson()}");  
 }) ..onUserRegister("my_first_register", (user) async {  
	  print("USER REGISTERED: ${user.toJson()}");  
Periodic Triggers
triggerService.periodic("my_first_periodic", Duration(minutes: 30), () async {  
  print("Function Triggered Each 30 minutes");  

/// Remove
Http Triggers
httpServerService.use('/get_reviews', (req) async {  
  req.response.headers.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');  
  await req.response.close();  
Http Triggers
httpServerService.use('/get_reviews', (req) async {  
  req.response.headers.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');  
  await req.response.close();  
On Web Socket Data Triggers

Triggered "random_posts" type socket data this trigger as a different http triggers; encrypted, have token and posted by web socket

 (listener, socketData) async {  
  /// Listener: connection that request type with server  
  /// requested type data  
  var res = await sendAndWaitMessage(listener, socketData.response({"hello": "world!"}));  
  if (res!.success) {  
  print("data received by client");  

More Futures And Documentation Coming Soon #

For Support : mehmedyaz@gmail.com #

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unverified uploader

Yaz Framework Api For Dart Server

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unknown (LICENSE)


cryptography, http, meta, mongo_dart, path


Packages that depend on yaz_server_api