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XuXu UI Design Flutter framework that makes development time shorter and useful package.

XuXu UI - Useful Mini Framework #

Alt text

Installing #

Add it to your pubspec.yaml file:

  xuxu_ui: ^0.0.3

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flutter packages get

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Basic Example #

Flutter vs XuXu UI #

Important Keywords And Usage Rules #

  • All Widgets start with Xu
  • To declare that the widget created with XuXu UI is a widget, the create() function should work.
  • The create() function should always be called after all operations have finished.

XuBox - Container #

  • After all the operations, we specify that this is a widget with .create().
  • With XuBoxDecration, you can use your DecorationBox features more easily and quickly.

XuText - Text #

  • After all the operations, we specify that this is a widget with .create().

XuVStack - Column #

  • Important Functions
Function Description
space() Adds space between all widgets in vertical alignment
bgColor() Assigns background color to all widgets
unique() It excludes widgets that you do not want to be affected by the space and background functions.

XuHStack - Row #

  • Important Functions
Function Description
space() Adds space between all widgets in horizontal alignment
bgColor() Assigns background color to all widgets
unique() It excludes widgets that you do not want to be affected by the space and background functions.

XuZStack - Stack #

XuListBuilder - ListView.builder #

Function Description
count() List item count
pAll() Padding All
pOnly() Padding Only ( left - right - bottom - top)
wrap() shinkWrap
  • and more ..

SpaceH & SpaceV - SizedBox #

Widgets Description
SpaceH Horizontal space
SpaceV Vertical space

Gestures - GestureDetector ( Auto Updated State ) #

  • Available gesturs

  • onTap

  • onDoubleTap

  • onLongPress

Parameter Description
state The state parameter is optional. If you do not want to call the SetState function and you want the variable on the screen to be updated, you should assign this to state parameter. Remember, this is an optional parameter, it will not update the state unless you assigns it.

Useful Extensions -- Expanded - Flexible - Center - Padding #

Extensions Description
expanded() Expanded Widget
flexible() Flexible Widget
center() Center Widget
paddingAll() EdgeInsets.all Widget
paddingOnly() EdgeInsets.only Widget
positioned() Positioned Widget
positionedFill() Positioned.fill() Widget
unique() It's important for XuHStack and HuVStack

Contact #

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XuXu UI Design Flutter framework that makes development time shorter and useful package.

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