well_formed 0.1.0 copy "well_formed: ^0.1.0" to clipboard
well_formed: ^0.1.0 copied to clipboard


Form field widgets designed to take much of the burden of form-related coding off the developer's back — masks, validations, keyboard type, etc.

well_formed #

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Contents #

Overview #

Well-Formed Widget Fields — Well-Formed is a collection of Flutter form field widgets. This package aims to:

  • helper developers to keep user data well-formed.
  • take most of the form-related coding off the developer's back.
  • improve readability and maintainability of source code by providing a declarative, object-oriented interface.
  • not to end up being yet another buggy Flutter form package!.

In order to be a reliable package, every class is well-documented and fully unit tested by a CI/CD pipeline with rigorous quality gates.

Getting Started #

Most of the form fields in this package are built on top of a TextFormField widget so that they remain fully compatible with Flutter's Form widget container. This is quite important to avoid buggy behavior, such as when a field is not cleared when its parent Form is cleared — via the reset method.

Demo application #

The demo application provides a fully working example, focused on demonstrating exactly one field in action — BasicTextField. You can take the code in this demo and experiment with it.

To run the demo application:

git clone https://github.com/dartoos-dev/well_formed.git
cd well_formed/example/
flutter run -d chrome

This should launch the demo application on Chrome in debug mode.

References #

pub points


verified publisherdartoos.dev

Form field widgets designed to take much of the burden of form-related coding off the developer's back — masks, validations, keyboard type, etc.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)


flutter, formdator, mask_text_input_formatter


Packages that depend on well_formed