voyager 0.7.0 voyager: ^0.7.0 copied to clipboard
Router and basic dependency injection library for Flutter. Define navigation paths in YAML and power them up with custom plugins.
To boldly resolve where no Dart has resolved before.
Router, requirements & dependency injection library for Flutter.
Features #
If your app is a list of screens with respective paths then this library is for you.
- YAML/JSON based Navigation Spec
- support for query parameters
- support for global parameters
- path subsections
- parameters interpolation in subsections
- logicless
- deliverable over the air (think Firebase remote config)
- code generator for paths/tests
- Highly customizable plugin architecture.
- VoyagerWidget to embed your
at any point - Provider to inject any data coming with the
Getting started #
To use this plugin, add voyager
as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
You should ensure that you add the router as a dependency in your flutter project.
voyager: ^0.7.0
provider: ^3.0.0+1 # if you don't have it yet
You can also reference the git repo directly if you want:
git: git://
Then in the code, make sure you import voyager package:
import 'package:voyager/voyager.dart';
Navigation Spec #
It’s best to start with describing what paths your app will have and what subsections will they be made of.
'/home' :
type: 'home'
widget: HomeWidget
title: "This is Home"
'/other/:title' :
type: 'other'
widget: OtherWidget
title: "This is %{title}"
You can either put this in assets as a yaml file or use triple quotes '''
and keep it in your code as a string. The String approach while a bit uglier allows for faster reloads while updating assets requires project rebuild.
Creating Router Instance #
Your router requires paths and plugins as constructor parameters. Getting paths is quite straightforwad and basically means parsing that YAML file we just defined.
final paths = loadPathsFromString('''
'/home' :
type: 'home'
widget: HomeWidget
title: "This is Home"
'/other/:title' :
type: 'other'
widget: OtherWidget
title: "This is %{title}"
or if the file is in the assets folder, you can:
final paths = loadPathsFromAssets("assets/navigation.yml");
NOTE: JSON support is available as of version 0.2.3
, please check voyager_test.dart for reference.
The other important ingredient of voyager router are plugins. You need to tell router what kind of plugins you plan to use and those depend on what you have written in the navigation file. In our example we use 2 widget
and title
. This library comes with predefined plugins for widget
and in the next paragraph you can read how to create your own plugin for title
final plugins = [
WidgetPlugin({ // provide widget builders for expressions used in YAML
"HomeWidget": (context) => HomeWidget(),
"OtherWidget": (context) => OtherWidget(),
TitlePlugin() // custom plugin
Now you're all set for getting your router instance:
Future<RouterNG> router = loadRouter(paths, plugins)
Custom Plugins #
You can define as many plugins as you want. Here's how you could handle the title
nodes from the example navigation yaml.
class TitlePlugin extends RouterPlugin {
TitlePlugin() : super("title"); // YAML node to intercept
void outputFor(RouterContext context, dynamic config, Voyager voyager) {
// config can be anything that is passed from YAML
voyager["title"] = config.toString(); // output of this plugin
NOTE: Above plugin is redundant, Voyager will repackage the primitive types from configuration and you don't need to do anything 😎 Use plugins to resolve primitive types to custom types , e.g. take a look at IconPlugin from the example app.
Router's Default Output: Voyager #
instance is the composite output of all the relevant plugins that are nested under the path being resolved. Observe:
Voyager voyager = router.find("/home")
print(voyager["title"]); // originates from the title plugin, prints: "This is home"
print(voyager["type"]); // automatically inherited from the YAML map
assert(voyager["widget"] is WidgetBuilder); // originates from the widget plugin
NOTE: Any attempt to modify voyager keys will fail unless done from plugin's outputFor
method. If you want to add some values to Voyager later on, use
public map.
Embed any screen path with VoyagerWidget #
If your path uses widget
plugin you can try using VoyagerWidget
and embed any path you want like this:
VoyagerWidget(path: "/home", router: router);
RECOMMENDED: Provide router at the top of your widget tree and omit passing router parameter.
Inject your information via Provider #
If you use VoyagerWidget
to create screens for your paths, you can obtain Voyager
anywhere from BuildContext
using Provider:
final voyager = Provider.of<Voyager>(context);
Now going back to our mystery OtherWidget
class from the example navigation spec, that widget could be implemented something like this:
class OtherWidget extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final voyager = Provider.of<Voyager>(context); // injecting voyager from build context
final title = voyager["title"];
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text(title), // et voilà
body: Center(
child: Text("Other Page"),
Integrating with MaterialApp #
Defining inital path & handling navigation
final initalPath = "/my/fancy/super/path"
value: router,
child: MaterialApp(
home: VoyagerWidget(path: initalPath),
onGenerateRoute: router.generator()
Make sure you wrap your app with router provider.
NOTE: You can use MaterialApp.initalRoute
but please read this first if you find MaterialApp.initalRoute
is not working for you. TL;DR: It's working as intended ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Navigation #
Having BuildContext
and Material.onGenerateRoute
set up, you can simply:
If you need to push new screen from elsewhere you probably should set navigatorKey to your MaterialApp
Custom Transitions #
The article "Create Custom Router Transition in Flutter using PageRouteBuilder" by Agung Surya explains in detail how to create custom reusable transtions.
Essentially you need to extend a PageRouteBuilder
class and pass it a widget you want to be transitioning to. In our case that widget is a VoyagerWidget
In the aforementioned artile, the author created SlideRightRoute
transition. We can combine that transition with any path from our navigation spec by using code below:
SlideRightRoute(widget: VoyagerWidget.fromPath(context, "/path/to/go")),
Adding global values #
If you want to expose some global parameters to specs interpolation, you can do so by doing the following:
router.registerGlobalParam("isTablet", false);
NOTE: Because we interpolate String here, only primitve types are allowed.
If you want to make some global entities available via router instance, you can do so by doing the following:
router.registerGlobalEntity("database", someDatabase);
Sample App #
Check out full example here
Code generation #
IMPORTANT: Code generation relies heavily on the type
value. It should be unique per path definition, also the values should_be_snake_case
Voyager supports generating dart code based on the configuration yaml file. Simply run the following command and wait for the script to set it up for you.
flutter packages pub run voyager:codegen
This should create a voyager-codegen.yaml
file in a root of your project, like so:
- name: Voyager # base name for generated classes, e.g. VoyagerPaths, VoyagerTests etc.
source: assets/navigation.yaml
target: lib/gen/voyager_gen.dart
Whenever you edit the voyager-codegen.yaml
or source
file the code generation logic will pick it up (as long as pub run
is running) and generate new dart souces to the target location.
CODE FORMATTING: If you want to have Flutter's default code formatting, make sure you have dart-sdk in you PATH, it's included with flutter sdk, so you can e.g.:
export PATH="$PATH:/path/to/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin"
Proper formatting relies on dartfmt
command being available.
NOTE 1: For code generator implementation details please check the source code at vishna/voyager-codegen.
NOTE 2: Should you want run code generation only once (and not watch files continously) you can supply additional --run-once
flag to pub run command:
flutter packages pub run voyager:codegen --run-once
This can be useful if running in a CI/CD context.
NOTE 3: You might want to add .jarCache/
to your .gitignore
to avoid checking in binary jars to your repo.
NOTE 4: If you're a Windows user make sure you have wget
Strong Typed Paths
Typing navigation paths by hand is error prone, for this very reason it is recommended to use code generator for the paths, so rather than typing:
you can rely on your IDE's autocompletion and do this:
Automated Widget Tests (Experimental Feautre)
If you want to try this feature out, your voyager-codegen.yaml
should look something like that:
- name: Voyager
source: assets/navigation.yaml
target: lib/gen/voyager_gen.dart
testTarget: test/gen/voyager_test_scenarios.dart
points to where the generated test code should go.
Say your regular test file is located in the test
directory, this is how you could integrate with the generated code:
import 'gen/voyager_test_scenarios.dart';
/// override abstract base class with all the scenarios to test
class TestScenarios extends VoyagerTestScenarios {
/// default wrapper for all the widgets
MyVoyagerScenarios() : super((widget) => MaterialApp(home: widget));
/// example scenario implementation for the `/home` path
List<VoyagerTestHomeScenario> homeScenarios() {
return [
VoyagerTestHomeScenario.write((tester) async {
expect(find.text("Home Page"), findsOneWidget);
/// etc...
void main() {
/// finally invoke tests, you need to suply `router` as `Future<RouterNG>`
voyagerAutomatedTests("voyager auto tests", router, TestScenarios());
Full code available at example/test/widget_test.dart.
comes with a positional argument forceTests
set to true
by default. This will assert every widget has at least one scenario written for it, otherwise your tests will fail. Set it to false
to disable this behaviour.
The scenario code is by default being executed within WidgetTester's runAsync
meaning you should be able to perform real asynchronous methods.
The router is loaded every time the scenario is running - if this is something you don't need consider using e.g. AsyncMemoizer
More Resources #
Acknowledgments #
- fluro As their repo says: "The brightest, hippest, coolest router for Flutter." Probably the most know flutter router out there.
- angel-route "A powerful, isomorphic routing library for Dart." Voyager internally was depending on this library till version
. It was a server oriented library and too big dependency for this project - voyager is now using abstract_router.dart which is < 300 LOC. - eyeem/router Protoplast of the voyager library, written in Java, for Android.
- NASA Voyager 2 Interstellar Poster Beautiful artwork I found on NASA page also a base content for the banner - changed colors to flutter ones, cropped the poster, added flutter antenna.