typewritertext 3.0.0 typewritertext: ^3.0.0 copied to clipboard
A simple typewriter text animation wrapper for flutter. Supports iOS, Android, web, Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Type Writer Text #
A simple typewriter text animation wrapper for flutter, supports iOS, Android, web, Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Preview #
Install #
Add this line to your pubspec.yaml.
typewritertext: ^3.0.0
Usage #
First, import the typewriter package.
import 'package:typewritertext/typewritertext.dart';
Version 1++ #
And to make basic TypeWriterText
just make it like this
const TypeWriterText(
text: Text('lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ...'),
duration: Duration(milliseconds: 50),
Or if you want something that more customizable, use this
const TypeWriterText.builder(
'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ...',
duration: Duration(milliseconds: 50),
builder: (context, value) {
return AutoSizeText(
maxLines: 2,
minFontSize: 2.0,
Version 3++ #
Now there is new version of TypeWriterText
where the text value that being used is not a Text
widget but Iterable<String>
Here's the basic example of it.
'lorem ipsum dolot sit amet ...',
duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 50),
And for the builder, you need to initiate a controller like this one.
final controller = TypeWriterController(text: 'Hello World',
duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 50),
// also if you want the typewriter to not only changing
// the character but also words, you can use this controller.
final valueController = TypeWriterController.fromValue(
['First Paragraph', 'Next Paragraph', 'Last Paragraph'],
duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 50),
controller: controller,
builder: (context, value) {
return AutoSizeText(
maxLines: 2,
minFontSize: 2.0,
Documentation #
Full documentation here.
Version 1++ #
Property | Purpose |
text | Use widget Text(). |
duration | Used to determine how fast text changes. |
alignment | Align the text within the occupied size. |
maintainSize | Used to maintain the occupied size of the final text. Default value is true . |
play | To set whether the animation should play or not. Default value is true . |
repeat | To set whether the animation should be repeated or not. Default value is false . |
Version 3++ #
Property | Purpose |
repeat | Specifies whether the animation should repeat once completed (default is false ). |
enabled | Is the flag to play the animation or not. |
maintainSize | Specifies whether the size of the layout text should be maintained. |
duration | Delay time between each character. |
alignment | Alignment of the text layout. |
text | The text to be displayed during the typewriter animation. |
controller | Controller for the animation. |
onChanged | Callback function for when the text is changed. |
builder | Builder for the widget. |
textAlign | Alignment of the text. |
style | Style of the text. |
maxLines | Maximum number of lines to be displayed. |
overflow | Overflow behavior of the text. |
semanticsLabel | Semantics label of the text. |
softWrap | Specifies whether the text should break at soft line breaks. |
strutStyle | Strut style of the text. |
locale | Locale of the text. |
textDirection | Text direction of the text. |
textHeightBehavior | Text height behavior of the text. |
textWidthBasis | Text width basis of the text. |
selectionColor | Color of the selection. |