twitter_api_v2 4.1.5 copy "twitter_api_v2: ^4.1.5" to clipboard
twitter_api_v2: ^4.1.5 copied to clipboard

The lightweight and powerful wrapper library for Twitter API v2.0 written in Dart language. It works cross-platform.

Release Note #

v4.1.5 #

  • Added TweetEditControls object. This object holds information about the editing of tweets. You can use it from TweetData.editControls, and also you must pass the editControls element to tweetFields. (#472)
  • Added editHistoryTweetIds field in TweetData. (#471)

v4.1.4 #

  • Renamed object from ComplianceData to BatchComplianceData. If you are using the object name ComplianceData explicitly, modify it to BatchComplianceData. (#462)
  • Deprecated connectVolumeStream and added connectSampleStream instead. Please replace method name from connectVolumeStream to connectSampleStream. (#479)
  • Supported connectSample10Stream in Tweets Service. This feature is available to Enterprise levels of access. Also, this is commonly referred to as the Decahose. (#473)

v4.1.3 #

  • Added the feature to set Alt Text when uploading media. Please set the Alt Text you want to set to the argument altText of the following method within 1000 characters. However, Alt Text can be set only for images and GIFs. Alt Text for videos will be ignored. (#435)
    • uploadImage
    • uploadMedia

v4.1.2 #

  • Improved handling of uploadMedia method when using the onProgress callback. In previous versions, if the media upload was completed immediately, the completed event would not be notified, but from this version you will always get a completed event at the end of process. (#466)
  • Added onFailed callback to uploadMedia method. You can check error information when upload is failed. (#456)

v4.1.1 #

  • Added a callback function to check the progress of uploading large media from uploadMedia. You can get the state of the upload and the progress in percent from the UploadEvent object passed from the callback function. (#454)

v4.1.0 #

  • Supported the upload media (GIF, Video...). (#434)

v4.0.2 #

  • Fixed the process for response from the uploadImage method so that the rate limit is set correctly. (#447)

v4.0.1 #

  • The utility has been added to check if the rate has been exceeded or not. You can use these methods from RateLimit object. (#444)
    • isExceeded
    • isNotExceeded

v4.0.0 #

New Feature #

  • Supported the feature for getting the rate limit of each endpoints from response. Now you can get RateLimit object from response and it has limitCount, remainingCount and resetAt fields. (#440)

Destructive Change #

  • It was necessary to modify the response structure for endpoints that use Stream to include a RateLimit object in each endpoint response. The modified methods are following.

    • connectVolumeStream
    • connectFilteredStream
  • Also, methods that previously returned the result of processing as a bool have been modified to return a TwitterResponse. This is to have a RateLimit object as above. So, for example, the createLike method can also obtain a RateLimit object, and the bool value of the processing result can be obtained from the TwitterResponse's data field.

And now the responses from the modified methods can be used as follows:

import 'package:twitter_api_v2/twitter_api_v2.dart' as v2;

Future<void> main() async {
  final twitter = v2.TwitterApi(bearerToken: 'YOUR_TOKEN_HERE');

  try {
    final response = await twitter.tweetsService.connectFilteredStream();

    final stream =;
    await for (final event in stream.handleError(print)) {
  } on v2.TwitterException catch (e) {
import 'package:twitter_api_v2/twitter_api_v2.dart' as v2;

Future<void> main() async {
  final twitter = v2.TwitterApi(bearerToken: 'YOUR_TOKEN_HERE');

  try {
    final me = await twitter.usersService.lookupMe();
    final tweets = await twitter.tweetsService.searchRecent(query: '#ElonMusk');

    final response = await twitter.tweetsService.createLike(

    print(; // true or false
  } on v2.TwitterException catch (e) {

v3.2.3 #

  • Refactored the internal process for MediaService.

v3.2.2 #

  • Exposed objects below.
    • MediaService
    • UploadedMediaData

v3.2.1 #

  • Renamed from MediaService.uploadMedia to MediaService.uploadImage. Also, renamed the parameter from imageFile to file. (#427)

v3.2.0 #

  • Added MediaService, and supported the feature for image upload. (#406)

v3.1.0 #

  • The following refactoring was done for the internal processing of the package. There are no disruptive changes resulting from this refactoring. (#419)
    • Generic features has been separated into a core package.
    • const is now given to the constructors of all objects that do not require rebuilding after the instance has been created.

v3.0.4 #

  • The constructor of RetryConfig has been modified. (#409)
    • Deprecated
      • regularIntervals
      • exponentialBackOff
      • exponentialBackOffAndJitter
    • Use instead
      • ofRegularIntervals
      • ofExponentialBackOff
      • ofExponentialBackOffAndJitter

v3.0.3 #

  • Fixed the linkClickCount field in the following metric objects to be nullable. (#407)
    • OrganicTweetMetrics
    • PrivateTweetMetrics
    • PromotedTweetMetrics

v3.0.2 #

  • Fixed analyzing warnings. (#403)

v3.0.1 #

  • Fixed repository link in pubspec.yaml. (#396)

v3.0.0 #

  • Improved specification of data returned from POST, DELETE, and PUT communication endpoints. The previous specification always returned true regardless of whether the process was successful or not, but now returns false if an errors object exists in the response. (#381)

Breaking Changes #

  • Changed return type of destroyFilteringRules from FilteringRuleMeta to bool. This is because there is no use for the FilteringRuleMeta object that was returned after the deletion of a filtering rule in the previous specification. If the deletion succeeds, true is returned; if the deletion fails for some reason, false is returned. (#382)

v2.10.0 #

  • Fixed to raise TwitterException if response object cannot be converted to JSON. (#347)
  • Enforced the specification of access token in OAuth 2.0 or OAuth 1.0a method when creating an instance of TwitterApi object. If either access token is not passed, an ArgumentError will be thrown. (#352)
  • Added UnauthorizedException. Thrown when unauthorized with the specified access token. (#348)
  • Added Automatic Retry feature. Automatic retry can be enabled by setting RetryConfig when creating the TwitterApi object. If RetryConfig is not passed to the TwitterApi object, automatic retry will not be triggered. (#251)
    • Regular Intervals
    • Exponential Backoff
    • Exponential Backoff and Jitter

v2.9.0 #

  • Added state parameter for (#324)
  • Added topicFields parameters. (#185)
    • GET /2/spaces/search
    • GET /2/spaces
    • GET /2/spaces/:id
    • GET /2/spaces/by/creator_ids
  • Added SpaceExpansion.topicIds. (#185)
  • Added ended element for SpaceState. (#333)
  • Removed HTTP status code checking process. With this modification, no exception will be thrown if, for example, you try to retweet a particular tweet and the tweet has already been deleted by its owner. However, a TwitterException will still be thrown if there is no Data field in the response. (#329)
  • Added RateLimitExceededException. (#331)

v2.8.1 #

  • Changed the field type of TweetPollParam's durationInMinutes to Duration and changed the name to duration. (#322)

v2.8.0 #

Breaking Changes #

  • Migration is required for fields that existed in previous versions due to objectification of some of the createTweet request parameters. (#304)
    • Use TweetMediaParam object to specify mediaIds and taggedUserIds.
    • Use TweetReplyParam object to specify inReplyToTweetId
  • Migration is required for createFilteringRules. (#312)
    • Use FilteringRuleParam object to specify filtering rules.

Bug Fixes #

  • Removed expansions parameter from createTweet method because this is not the supported parameter. (#288)

New Features #

  • Added timeout option to TwitterApi. The default timeout duration is 10 seconds. (#252)
  • Added sortOrder parameter to TweetsService.searchRecent and TweetsService.searchAll. (#284)
  • Added startTime and endTime parameters. (#240)
    • GET /2/tweets/search/all
    • GET /2/tweets/search/recent
    • GET /2/users/:id/mentions
    • GET /2/users/:id/timelines/reverse_chronological
    • GET /2/users/:id/tweets
    • GET /2/tweets/counts/all
    • GET /2/tweets/counts/recent
  • Added variants field to MediaData object. You can get this field by using MediaField.variants. (#265)
  • Added sinceTweetId parameter. (#285)
    • GET /2/tweets/search/all
    • GET /2/tweets/search/recent
  • Added untilTweetId parameter. (#286)
    • GET /2/tweets/search/all
    • GET /2/tweets/search/recent
  • Added directMessageDeepLink parameter to createTweet. (#279)
  • Added geo parameter to createTweet. (#280)(#304)
  • Added poll parameter to createTweet. (#282)(#304)
  • Added objects for request parameter of createTweet. (#304)
    • TweetMediaParam
    • TweetGeoParam
    • TweetPollParam
    • TweetReplyParam
  • Added sinceTweetId and untilTweetId parameters to countAll and countRecent. (#311)
    • GET /2/tweets/counts/all
    • GET /2/tweets/counts/recent
  • Added granularity parameter to countAll and countRecent. (#310)
    • GET /2/tweets/counts/all
    • GET /2/tweets/counts/recent
  • Added sinceTweetId and untilTweetId parameters to TweetsService.lookupTweets. (#309)
  • Added excludes parameter to TweetsService.lookupTweets. (#308)
  • Added sinceTweetId and untilTweetId parameters to lookupHomeTimeline. (#307)
  • Added excludes parameter to lookupHomeTimeline. (#306)
  • Added sinceTweetId and untilTweetId parameters to lookupMentions. (#305)

v2.7.0 #

  • Added metrics field for TweetField. (#268)
    • non_public_metrics
    • organic_metrics
    • promoted_metrics
  • The toJson method of the response data object has been improved. Nested objects are now converted to JSON at the same time as the parent object's toJson. (#272)
  • Added toJson method to TwitterResponse. (#274)

v2.6.2 #

  • Added dart documentations about authentication methods and required scopes. (#263)

v2.6.1 #

  • Added documents for response fields. (#247)

v2.6.0 #

  • Added FilteredStreamResponse as the return type of Filtered Stream endpoint. And now we can see the IDs and tags of the rules matched in the streaming from the FilteredStreamResponse.matchingRules field. The FilteredStreamResponse extends TwitterResponse, so there are no destructive changes. (#226)
  • Added translated READMEs. (#213)
    • Japanese
    • French
    • Vietnamese
    • Bengali
  • Added mediaFields arguments. (#183)
    • GET /2/users/:id/bookmarks
    • GET /2/tweets/search/stream
    • GET /2/tweets/:id/liking_users
    • GET /2/users/:id/liked_tweets
    • GET /2/tweets/:id/quote_tweets
    • GET /2/tweets/:id/retweeted_by
    • GET /2/tweets/search/all
    • GET /2/tweets/search/recent
    • GET /2/users/:id/mentions
    • GET /2/users/:id/timelines/reverse_chronological
    • GET /2/users/:id/tweets
    • GET /2/tweets
    • GET /2/tweets/:id
    • GET /2/tweets/sample/stream
    • GET /2/spaces/:id/buyers
    • GET /2/spaces/:id/tweets
  • Added mediaFields arguments. (#186)
    • GET /2/users/:id/followed_lists
    • GET /2/lists/:id
    • GET /2/users/:id/owned_lists
    • GET /2/users/:id/list_memberships
    • GET /2/users/:id/pinned_lists

v2.5.0 #

  • Added spaceFields argument. (#184)
    • GET /2/spaces/search
    • GET /2/spaces
    • GET /2/spaces/:id
    • GET /2/spaces/by/creator_ids
  • Added pollFields argument. (#181)
    • GET /2/users/:id/bookmarks
    • GET /2/tweets/search/stream
    • GET /2/tweets/:id/liking_users
    • GET /2/users/:id/liked_tweets
    • GET /2/tweets/:id/quote_tweets
    • GET /2/tweets/:id/retweeted_by
    • GET /2/tweets/search/all
    • GET /2/tweets/search/recent
    • GET /2/users/:id/mentions
    • GET /2/users/:id/timelines/reverse_chronological
    • GET /2/users/:id/tweets
    • GET /2/tweets
    • GET /2/tweets/:id
    • GET /2/tweets/sample/stream
    • GET /2/spaces/:id/buyers
    • GET /2/spaces/:id/tweets
  • Added placeFields argument. (#182)
    • GET /2/users/:id/bookmarks
    • GET /2/tweets/search/stream
    • GET /2/tweets/:id/liking_users
    • GET /2/users/:id/liked_tweets
    • GET /2/tweets/:id/quote_tweets
    • GET /2/tweets/:id/retweeted_by
    • GET /2/tweets/search/all
    • GET /2/tweets/search/recent
    • GET /2/users/:id/mentions
    • GET /2/users/:id/timelines/reverse_chronological
    • GET /2/users/:id/tweets
    • GET /2/tweets
    • GET /2/tweets/:id
    • GET /2/tweets/sample/stream
    • GET /2/spaces/:id/buyers
    • GET /2/spaces/:id/tweets
  • PlaceData class is migrated to Geo class, and updated PlaceData parameters.
  • PlaceCoordinates class is migrated to GeoCoordinates class, and updated PlaceCoordinates parameters.
  • Changed the type of lang field from String? to TweetLanguage?. (#207)

v2.4.2 #

  • Fixed field names in UserData. (#202)
    • From protected to isProtected.
    • From verified to isVerified.

v2.4.1 #

  • Fixed (#200)

v2.4.0 #

  • Added userFields argument. (#180)
    • GET /2/users/:id/bookmarks
    • GET /2/tweets/search/stream
    • GET /2/tweets/:id/liking_users
    • GET /2/users/:id/liked_tweets
    • GET /2/tweets/:id/quote_tweets
    • GET /2/tweets/search/all
    • GET /2/tweets/search/recent
    • GET /2/users/:id/mentions
    • GET /2/users/:id/timelines/reverse_chronological
    • GET /2/users/:id/tweetsGET /2/tweets
    • GET /2/tweets/:id
    • GET /2/tweets/sample/stream
    • GET /2/users/:id/blocking
    • GET /2/users/:id/followers
    • GET /2/users/:id/following
    • GET /2/users/:id/muting
    • GET /2/users
    • GET /2/users/:id
    • GET /2/users/by
    • GET /2/users/by/username/:username
    • GET /2/users/me
    • GET /2/spaces/search
    • GET /2/spaces
    • GET /2/spaces/:id
    • GET /2/spaces/:id/buyers
    • GET /2/spaces/:id/tweets
    • GET /2/spaces/by/creator_ids
    • GET /2/lists/:id/tweets
    • GET /2/lists/:id/followers
    • GET /2/users/:id/followed_lists
    • GET /2/lists/:id
    • GET /2/users/:id/owned_lists
    • GET /2/lists/:id/members
    • GET /2/users/:id/list_memberships
    • GET /2/users/:id/pinned_lists

v2.3.0 #

  • Added tweetFields argument. (#179)
    • GET /2/users/:id/bookmarks
    • GET /2/tweets/search/stream
    • GET /2/tweets/:id/liking_users
    • GET /2/users/:id/liked_tweets
    • GET /2/tweets/:id/quote_tweets
    • GET /2/tweets/:id/retweeted_by
    • GET /2/tweets/search/all
    • GET /2/tweets/search/recent
    • GET /2/users/:id/mentions
    • GET /2/users/:id/timelines/reverse_chronological
    • GET /2/users/:id/tweets
    • GET /2/tweets
    • GET /2/tweets/:id
    • GET /2/tweets/sample/stream
    • GET /2/users/:id/blocking
    • GET /2/users/:id/followers
    • GET /2/users/:id/following
    • GET /2/users/:id/muting
    • GET /2/users
    • GET /2/users/:id
    • GET /2/users/by
    • GET /2/users/by/username/:username
    • GET /2/users/me
    • GET /2/spaces/:id/buyers
    • GET /2/spaces/:id/tweets
    • GET /2/lists/:id/tweets
    • GET /2/lists/:id/members
  • Changed object name from ReferencedTweetData to ReferencedTweet.
  • Changed field type of type in ReferencedTweet to TweetType from String.
  • Changed field type of type in MediaData to MediaType from String.
  • Added key field to MediaData. It represents a unique identifier of the media.

v2.2.0 #

  • Added Reverse Chronological Timelines endpoint. (#164)
    • GET /2/users/:id/timelines/reverse_chronological
  • Added expansions argument to UsersService. (#142)
    • GET /2/users/:id/blocking
    • GET /2/users/:id/followers
    • GET /2/users/:id/following
    • GET /2/users/:id/muting
    • GET /2/users
    • GET /2/users/:id
    • GET /2/users/by
    • GET /2/users/by/username/:username
    • GET /2/users/me
  • Added expansions argument to SpacesService. (#171)
    • GET /2/spaces/search
    • GET /2/spaces
    • GET /2/spaces/:id
    • GET /2/spaces/:id/buyers
    • GET /2/spaces/:id/tweets
    • GET /2/spaces/by/creator_ids
  • Added expansions argument to ListsService. (#172)
    • GET /2/lists/:id/tweets
    • GET /2/lists/:id/followers
    • GET /2/users/:id/followed_lists
    • GET /2/lists/:id
    • GET /2/users/:id/owned_lists
    • GET /2/lists/:id/members
    • GET /2/users/:id/list_memberships
    • GET /2/users/:id/pinned_lists
  • Fixed method name from tweetsService.connectVolumeStreams to tweetsService.connectVolumeStream.
  • Fixed return type of tweetsService.connectVolumeStream from Future<Stream<TweetData>> to Future<Stream<TwitterResponse<TweetData, void>>>.
  • Added Filtered Stream endpoint. (#4)
    • GET /2/tweets/search/stream
    • GET /2/tweets/search/stream/rules
    • POST /2/tweets/search/stream/rules

v2.1.0 #

v2.0.0 #

  • Exposed service classes. (#122
    • TweetsService
    • UsersService
    • ListsService
    • SpacesService
    • ComplianceService
  • Added arguments to tweetsService.createTweet. (#130) (#90)
    • inReplyToTweetId
    • replySetting
    • mediaIds
    • taggedUserIds
  • Improved processing when the data field does not exist in the response body returned from the Twitter API. (#124)
    • In previous versions, POST and DELETE communications for deleted content would raise a TwitterException, but this release has been modified to always return a boolean instead of an exception in this case.
  • Internal processing has been refactored to improve scalability and maintainability. There are no disruptive changes as a result of this refactoring.
  • Added convenience utility for OAuth. (#102)
    • OAuthUtils.generateAppOnlyBearerToken

v1.8.0 #

  • Added Lists Manage endpoints. (#30)
    • DELETE /2/lists/:id
    • PUT /2/lists/:id
    • POST /2/lists
  • Added Lists Follows endpoints. (#27)
    • DELETE /2/users/:id/followed_lists/:list_id
    • GET /2/lists/:id/followers
    • GET /2/users/:id/followed_lists
    • POST /2/users/:id/followed_lists
  • Added Lists Members endpoints. (#29)
    • DELETE /2/lists/:id/members/:user_id
    • GET /2/lists/:id/members
    • GET /2/users/:id/list_memberships
    • POST /2/lists/:id/members

v1.7.0 #

  • Added Tweets Timelines endpoints. (#11)
    • GET /2/users/:id/mentions
    • GET /2/users/:id/tweets
  • Added Users Blocks endpoints. (#20)
    • DELETE /2/users/:source_user_id/blocking/:target_user_id
    • GET /2/users/:id/blocking
    • POST /2/users/:id/blocking
  • Added Lists Pinnings endpoints. (#31)
    • DELETE /2/users/:id/pinned_lists/:list_id
    • GET /2/users/:id/pinned_lists
    • POST /2/users/:id/pinned_lists
  • Added Lists Tweet Lookup endpoint. (#26)
    • GET /2/lists/:id/tweets

  • Refactored method names. Prefixes for methods that perform GET communication other than the search endpoint have been unified with lookup. This makes it a destructive change, but please refer to the following correspondence table for details of the change.
    • Tweets Service
      • From likingUsers to lookupLikingUsers
      • From likingTweets to lookupLikedTweets
      • From retweetedBy to lookupRetweetedUsers
      • From quoteTweets to lookupQuoteTweets
      • From bookmarks to lookupBookmarks
    • Users Service
      • From followers to lookupFollowers
      • From followings to lookupFollowings
      • From mutingUsers to lookupMutingUsers
    • Lists Service
      • From pinnedLists to lookupPinnedLists

v1.6.0 #

  • Fixed a bug in DELETE communication.
  • Improved error message from TwitterException. (#93)
  • Added Batch Compliance endpoints. (#32)
    • GET /2/compliance/jobs
    • GET /2/compliance/jobs/:id
    • POST /2/compliance/jobs
  • Added Users Mutes endpoints. (#22)
    • DELETE /2/users/:source_user_id/muting/:target_user_id
    • GET /2/users/:id/muting
    • POST /2/users/:id/muting
  • Added Tweets Hide Replies endpoints. (#5)
    • PUT /2/tweets/:id/hidden

v1.5.0 #

  • Renamed method name in TweetsService. (#79)
    • Renamed method from tweetsService.lookupTweet to tweetsService.lookupById.
    • Renamed method from tweetsService.lookupTweets to tweetsService.lookupByIds.
  • Added Spaces Lookup endpoints. (#25)
    • GET /2/spaces
    • GET /2/spaces/:id
    • GET /2/spaces/:id/buyers
    • GET /2/spaces/:id/tweets
    • GET /2/spaces/by/creator_ids
  • Added Lists Lookup endpoints. (#28)
    • GET /2/lists/:id
    • GET /2/users/:id/owned_lists

v1.4.0 #

  • Fixed response handling.
    • The HTTP status of a response was regarded as an exception for data other than 200, but the HTTP status in the 200s is now regarded as a normal completion.
  • Improved and added parameters for endpoints already implemented in this library. (#66)
    • Added parameters to tweetsService.createTweet.
      • quoteTweetId
      • forSuperFollowersOnly
    • Added a parameter to tweetsService.linkingUsers.
      • maxResults
    • Added a parameter to tweetsService.linkingTweets.
      • maxResults
    • Added a parameter to tweetsService.retweetedBy.
      • maxResults
    • Added a parameter to tweetsService.quoteTweets.
      • maxResults
    • Added a parameter to tweetsService.searchRecent.
      • maxResults
    • Added a parameter to tweetsService.searchAll.
      • maxResults
    • Added a parameter to usersService.followers.
      • maxResults
    • Added a parameter to usersService.followings.
      • maxResults

v1.3.0 #

  • Improved the error message from TwitterException. (#48)
  • Added previousToken to tweet_meta and tweet_count_meta, and added paginationToken or nextToken argument for endpoints that support pagination. (#60)
  • Added previousToken to user_meta, and added paginationToken argument for endpoints that support pagination. (#60)

v1.2.0 #

  • Fixed typo from tweetService to tweetsService in TwitterApi.
  • Improved error handling. (#41)

v1.1.0 #

  • Added Tweet Counts endpoints. (#12)
    • GET /2/tweets/counts/all
    • GET /2/tweets/counts/recent
  • Added Tweet Bookmarks endpoints. (#2)
    • GET /2/tweets/counts/all
    • GET /2/tweets/counts/recent
  • Added Users Lookup endpoints. (#23)
    • GET /2/users
    • GET /2/users/:id
    • GET /2/users/by
    • GET /2/users/by/username/:username
    • GET /2/users/me
  • Added Spaces Search endpoints. (#23)
    • GET /2/spaces/search

v1.0.0 #

  • Specification changes and improvements have been made to the authentication method. (#44)
  • Added Quote Tweets endpoint. (#8)
    • GET /2/tweets/:id/quote_tweets
  • Added Tweets Search endpoints. (#10)
    • GET /2/tweets/search/all
    • GET /2/tweets/search/recent
  • Added Tweets Lookup endpoints. (#13)
    • GET /2/tweets
    • GET /2/tweets/:id

v0.1.0 #

  • Added Tweets Likes endpoints. (#6)
    • DELETE /2/users/:id/likes/:tweet_id
    • GET /2/tweets/:id/liking_users
    • GET /2/users/:id/liked_tweets
    • POST /2/users/:id/likes
  • Added Tweets Manage endpoints. (#7)
    • DELETE /2/tweets/:id
    • POST /2/tweets
  • Added Tweets Retweet endpoints. (#9)
    • DELETE /2/users/:id/retweets/:source_tweet_id
    • GET /2/tweets/:id/retweeted_by
    • POST /2/users/:id/retweets
  • Added Users Follows endpoints. (#21)
    • DELETE /2/users/:source_user_id/following/:target_user_id
    • GET /2/users/:id/followers
    • GET /2/users/:id/following
    • POST /2/users/:id/following

v0.0.1 #

  • First Release
pub points



The lightweight and powerful wrapper library for Twitter API v2.0 written in Dart language. It works cross-platform.

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freezed_annotation, http, json_annotation, twitter_api_core


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