twilio_unofficial_programmable_video 0.1.2 copy "twilio_unofficial_programmable_video: ^0.1.2" to clipboard
twilio_unofficial_programmable_video: ^0.1.2 copied to clipboard


Create real-time videocall applications (WebRTC), with this Unofficial Twilio Programmable Video Flutter plugin.

twilio_unofficial_programmable_video #

Create real-time videocall applications (WebRTC), with this Unofficial Twilio Programmable Video Flutter plugin.

This package is currently work-in-progress and should not be used for production apps. We can't guarantee that the current API implementation will stay the same between versions, until we have reached v1.0.0.

Example #

Check out our comprehensive example provided with this plugin.

Twilio Unofficial Programmable Video Example

Join the community #

If you have any question or problems, please join us on Discord


Read the Frequently Asked Questions first before creating a new issue.

Supported platforms #

  • Android
  • iOS (not yet)
  • Web (not yet)

Getting started #

Prerequisites #

Before you can start using the plugin you need to make sure you have everything setup for your project.

First add it as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
For example:

  twilio_unofficial_programmable_video: ^0.1.1

Proguard (Android only)

Add the following lines to your proguard-project.txt file.

-keep class tvi.webrtc.** { *; }
-keep class** { *; }
-keepattributes InnerClasses


For this plugin to work you will have to add the right permissions for your platform.


Open the AndroidManifest.xml file in your android/app/src/main directory and add the following device permissions:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA"/>

Connect to a Room #

Call TwilioUnofficialProgrammableVideo.connect() to connect to a Room in your Flutter application. Once connected, you can send and receive audio and video streams with other Participants who are connected to the Room.

void _onConnected(RoomEvent roomEvent) {
  print('Connected to ${}');

Future<Room> connectToRoom() async {
  var connectOptions = ConnectOptions(accessToken)
                          ..roomName(roomName) // Optional room name.
                          ..region(region) // Optional region.
                          ..preferAudioCodecs([OpusCodec()]) // Optional list of preferred AudioCodecs.
                          ..preferVideoCodecs([H264Codec()]) // Optional list of preferred VideoCodecs.
                          ..audioTracks([LocalAudioTrack(true)]) // Optional list of audio tracks.
                          ..videoTracks([LocalVideoTrack(true, CameraCapturer(CameraSource.FRONT_CAMERA))]); // Optional list of video tracks.
  var room = await TwilioUnofficialProgrammableVideo.connect(connectOptions);

You must pass the Access Token when connecting to a Room.

Join a Room #

If you'd like to join a Room you know already exists, you handle that exactly the same way as creating a room: just pass the Room name to the connect method. Once in a Room, you'll receive a participantConnected event for each Participant that successfully joins. Querying the remoteParticipants getter will return any existing Participants who have already joined the Room.

void _onConnected(RoomEvent roomEvent) {
  print('Connected to ${}');

Future<Room> connectToRoom() async {
  var connectOptions = ConnectOptions(accessToken)
                          ..roomName(roomName) // Optional room name.
                          ..region(region) // Optional region.
                          ..preferAudioCodecs([OpusCodec()]) // Optional list of preferred AudioCodecs.
                          ..preferVideoCodecs([H264Codec()]) // Optional list of preferred VideoCodecs.
                          ..audioTracks([LocalAudioTrack(true)]) // Optional list of audio tracks.
                          ..videoTracks([LocalVideoTrack(true, CameraCapturer(CameraSource.FRONT_CAMERA))]); // Optional list of video tracks.
  var room = await TwilioUnofficialProgrammableVideo.connect(connectOptions);

Set up local media #

You can capture local media from your device's microphone or camera in the following ways:

// Create an audio track.
var localAudioTrack = LocalAudioTrack(true);

// A video track request an implementation of VideoCapturer.
var cameraCapturer = CameraCapturer(CameraSource.FRONT_CAMERA);

// Create a video track.
var localVideoTrack = LocalVideoTrack(true, cameraCapturer);

// Getting the local video track widget.
// This can only be called after the TwilioUnofficialProgrammableVideo.connect() is called.
var widget = localVideoTrack.widget();

Connect as a publish-only Participant #

It is currently not possible to connect as a publish-only participant.

Working with Remote Participants #

Handle Connected Participants

When you join a Room, Participants may already be present. You can check for existing Participants in the connected event by using the remoteParticipants getter.

// Connect to a room.
var room = await TwilioUnofficialProgrammableVideo.connect(connectOptions);

room.onConnected((RoomEvent roomEvent) {
  print('Connected to ${}');

room.onConnectFailure((RoomEvent roomEvent) {
    print('Failed connecting, exception: ${roomEvent.exception.message}');

room.onDisconnected((RoomEvent roomEvent) {
  print('Disconnected from ${}');

room.onRecordingStarted((RoomEvent roomEvent) {
  print('Recording started in ${}');

room.onRecordingStopped((RoomEvent roomEvent) {
  print('Recording stopped in ${}');

// ... Assume we have received the connected callback.

// After receiving the connected callback the LocalParticipant becomes available.
var localParticipant = room.localParticipant;
print('LocalParticipant ${room.localParticipant.identity}');

// Get the first participant from the room.
var remoteParticipant = room.remoteParticipants[0];
print('RemoteParticipant ${remoteParticipant.identity} is in the room');

Handle Participant Connection Events

When Participants connect to or disconnect from a Room that you're connected to, you'll be notified via an event listener. These events help your application keep track of the participants who join or leave a Room.

// Connect to a room.
var room = await TwilioUnofficialProgrammableVideo.connect(connectOptions);

room.onParticipantConnected((RoomEvent roomEvent) {
  print('Participant ${roomEvent.remoteParticipant.identity} has joined the room');

room.onParticipantDisconnected((RoomEvent roomEvent) {
  print('Participant ${roomEvent.remoteParticipant.identity} has left the room');

Display a Remote Participant's Widget

To see the Video Tracks being sent by remote Participants, we need to add their widgets to the tree.

room.onParticipantConnected((RoomEvent roomEvent) {
  // We can respond when the Participant adds a VideoTrack by adding the widget to the tree.
  roomEvent.remoteParticipant.onVideoTrackSubscribed((RemoteParticipantEvent remoteParticipantEvent) {
    var mirror = false;

Participating in a Room #

Display a Camera Preview

Just like Twilio we totally get that you want to look fantastic before entering a Room. Sadly that isn't yet implemented so you should go analog and use a mirror.

Disconnect from a Room

You can disconnect from a Room you're currently participating in. Other Participants will receive a participantDisconnected event.

// To disconnect from a Room, we call:
await room.disconnect();

// This results in a call to Room#onDisconnected
room.onDisconnected((RoomEvent roomEvent) {
  print('Disconnected from ${}');

Room reconnection #

A Room reconnection is triggered due to a signaling or media reconnection event.

room.onReconnecting((RoomEvent roomEvent) {
  print('Reconnecting to room ${}, exception = ${roomEvent.exception.message}');

room.onReconnected((RoomEvent roomEvent) {
  print('Reconnected to room ${}');

Configuring Audio, Video Input and Output devices #

Taking advantage of the ability to control input and output devices lets you build a better end user experience.

Selecting a specific Video Input #

The CameraCapturer class is used to provide video frames for LocalVideoTrack from a given CameraSource.

// Share your camera.
var cameraCapturer = CameraCapturer(CameraSource.FRONT_CAMERA);
var localVideoTrack = LocalVideoTrack(true, cameraCapturer);

// Render camera to a widget (only after connect event).
var mirror = true;
var widget = localVideoTrack.widget(mirror);

// Switch the camera source.
var cameraSource = cameraCapturer.getCameraSource();
primaryVideoView.setMirror(cameraSource == CameraSource.BACK_CAMERA);

Selecting a specific Audio output #

Using the TwilioUnofficialProgrammableVideo class, you can specify if audio is routed through the headset or speaker.

// Route audio through speaker

// Route audio through headset

Enable debug logging #

Using the TwilioUnofficialProgrammableVideo class, you can enable native and dart logging of the plugin.

var nativeEnabled = true;
var dartEnabled = true;
TwilioUnofficialProgrammableVideo.debug(native: nativeEnabled, dart: dartEnabled);

Access Tokens #

Keep in mind, you can't generate access tokens for programmable-video using the TestCredentials, make use of the LIVE credentials.

You can easily generate an access token in the Twilio dashboard with the Testing Tools to start testing your code. But we recommend you setup a backend to generate these tokens for you and secure your Twilio credentials. Like we do in our example app.

Events table #

Reference table of all the events the plugin supports and their native platform counter part.

Type Event name Android Implemented
Room connectFailure onConnectFailure X
Room connected onConnected X
Room disconnected onDisconnected X
Room participantConnected onParticipantConnected X
Room participantDisconnected onParticipantDisconnected X
Room reconnected onReconnected X
Room reconnecting onReconnecting X
Room recordingStarted onRecordingStarted X
Room recordingStopped onRecordingStopped X
RemoteParticipant audioTrackDisabled onAudioTrackDisabled X
RemoteParticipant audioTrackEnabled onAudioTrackEnabled X
RemoteParticipant audioTrackPublished onAudioTrackPublished X
RemoteParticipant audioTrackSubscribed onAudioTrackSubscribed X
RemoteParticipant audioTrackSubscriptionFailed onAudioTrackSubscriptionFailed X
RemoteParticipant audioTrackUnpublished onAudioTrackUnpublished X
RemoteParticipant audioTrackUnsubscribed onAudioTrackUnsubscribed X
RemoteParticipant dataTrackPublished onDataTrackPublished
RemoteParticipant dataTrackSubscribed onDataTrackSubscribed
RemoteParticipant dataTrackSubscriptionFailed onDataTrackSubscriptionFailed
RemoteParticipant dataTrackUnpublished onDataTrackUnpublished
RemoteParticipant dataTrackUnsubscribed onDataTrackUnsubscribed
RemoteParticipant videoTrackDisabled onVideoTrackDisabled X
RemoteParticipant videoTrackEnabled onVideoTrackEnabled X
RemoteParticipant videoTrackPublished onVideoTrackPublished X
RemoteParticipant vdeoTrackSubscribed onVideoTrackSubscribed X
RemoteParticipant videoTrackSubscriptionFailed onVideoTrackSubscriptionFailed X
RemoteParticipant videoTrackUnpublished onVideoTrackUnpublished X
RemoteParticipant videoTrackUnsubscribed onVideoTrackUnsubscribed X

Development and Contributing #

Interested in contributing? We love merge requests! See the Contribution guidelines.

pub points


unverified uploader

Create real-time videocall applications (WebRTC), with this Unofficial Twilio Programmable Video Flutter plugin.

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unknown (LICENSE)


enum_to_string, flutter, permission_handler


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