tip_dialog 1.1.2 copy "tip_dialog: ^1.1.2" to clipboard
tip_dialog: ^1.1.2 copied to clipboard


A Flutter Tip Dialog

TipDialog #


A Flutter Tip Dialog

Loading Type Dialog Success Tye Dialog Fail Type Dialog
WechatIMG9 WechatIMG8 WechatIMG6
Info Type Dialog Only Icon Dialog Onl Text Dialog
WechatIMG7 WechatIMG5 WechatIMG4
Custom Icon Dialog Custom Body Dialog
WechatIMG3 WechatIMG2

1. Depend on it #

Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

  tip_dialog: ^1.1.2

2. Install it #

You can install packages from the command line: with Flutter:

$ flutter packages get

3. Import it #

Now in your Dart code, you can use:

import 'package:loading_view/loading_view.dart';

4. Use #

Available attributes

[ TipDialogContainer ]
@required this.child,
String defaultTip,
TipDialogType defaultType: TipDialogType.NOTHING,
/// automatically disappear time
this.duration: const Duration(seconds: 3),
/// In the beginning, whether to display 
this.show: false,
/// whether show mask layer
this.outSideTouchable: false,
/// mask layer alpha
this.maskAlpha: 0.3

Global Use

/// Use [TipDialogContainer] globally
/// This widget can be globally supported
void main() => runApp(new MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  // This widget is the root of your application.
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return new TipDialogContainer(
        defaultType: TipDialogType.LOADING,
        defaultTip: "Loading",
        child: new MaterialApp(
          title: 'TipDialog Demo',
          theme: new ThemeData(),
          home: new MyHomePage(title: 'TipDialog Demo Home Page'),

/// Use [TipDialogConnector] to obtain [TipDialogController]
/// In addition to using controller, you can also use [GlobalKey] to control show or dismiss
new TipDialogConnector(
  builder: (context, tipController) {
    return new ListView(children: <Widget>[
      _buildItem("Loading Type Tip Dialog", () async {
        await new Future.delayed(new Duration(seconds: 3));
      new Divider(),
      _buildItem("Success Type Tip Dialog", () async {
        tipDialog: new TipDialog(
          type: TipDialogType.SUCCESS,
          tip: "Loaded Successfully",

Use a custom widget when using [TipDialogContainer] globally, there may be appear some unexpected errors. such as Text or Icon, will appear similar to the following error.

No Directionality widget found.

Just set TextDirection just fine. See the custom Widget in the example for details.

5. Default Dialog Type #


NONTHING: no icon
LOADING: have a loading icon
SUCCESS: have a success icon
FAIL: have a fail icon
INFO: have a info icon

6. State And TipDialogController Method #

/// tipDialog: Need to display the widget
/// (default uses the dialog set by [TipDialogContainer])
/// isLoading: decide whether to disappear automatically
/// (default uses the value set by [TipDialogContainer],
/// set type = TipDialogType.LOADING, the value will be true, otherwise will be false.)
/// if true, the dialog will not automatically disappear
/// otherwise, the dialog will automatically disappear after the [Duration] set by [TipDialogContainer]
void show({Widget tipDialog, bool isLoading: false});

/// dismiss dialog
void dismiss();

See the example directory for more details.