testfairy 1.0.8 copy "testfairy: ^1.0.8" to clipboard
testfairy: ^1.0.8 copied to clipboard


TestFairy integration for Flutter, bundles with the native SDK

testfairy #

TestFairy integration for Flutter, bundles with the native SDK.

Installation #

See details...

Quick Start #

Include the library and run your main app like this. Make sure your project is AndroidX compatible.

# inside pubspec.yaml

  testfairy: any
// inside your main.dart
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:testfairy/testfairy.dart';

void main() {
         () async {
           try {
             // Enables widget error logging
             FlutterError.onError =
                 (details) => TestFairy.logError(details.exception);
             // Initializes a session
             await TestFairy.begin(TOKEN);
             // Runs your app
           } catch (error) {
             // Logs synchronous errors
         // Logs network events
         // Logs asynchronous errors
         onError: TestFairy.logError,
         // Logs console messages
         zoneSpecification: new ZoneSpecification(
           print: (self, parent, zone, message) {

How to update native SDKs? #

This is done automatically for Android.

If you need to update the native iOS SDK used by your current integration, run pod repo update; pod install in your ios directory.

Troubleshoot #

  1. I see Looks like TestFairy has an upgrade to do... 1.X.Y+hotfixZ is the latest stable branch or errors related to Jetifier in the logs when I call an SDK method.

Migrate your Android project to AndroidX by following this guide.

  1. I see Undefined symbols for architecture error during compilation.

You must use frameworks and specify a platform version of at least 9.0 in your generated iOS project's Podfile. Please make the following changes in ios/Podfile and rebuild.

target 'Runner' do
  platform :ios, '9.0'   ####################################### <--- add this and specify at least 9.0

  use_frameworks!        ####################################### <--- add this, and try building if there is 
                         #######################################      no Swift code or plugin in the project.
                         #######################################      If there is Swift code, please also add 
                         #######################################      the marked line below


post_install do |installer|
  installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
    target.build_configurations.each do |config|
      config.build_settings['ENABLE_BITCODE'] = 'NO'
      config.build_settings['SWIFT_VERSION'] = '3.2'  ########## <--- add this, change the version to what's being
                                                      ##########      used in the project, remove if there is none
  1. CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "TestFairy".

This is an old bug in the plugin pubspec file. First, run flutter clean in your root directory.

Please move ios/Podfile.lock into a temporary place before running pod repo update; pod install in your ios directory.

If some of the libraries you use need to be at specific versions, copy the necessary lines from your backed up Podfile.lock into the newly created one. Please keep the lines related to TestFairy (note the title case in the name) untouched.

Finally, run pod repo update; pod install; pod update TestFairy again to re-download libraries from the replaced lines.

If everything went smoothly, this issue should never happen again.

  1. There are syntax errors in TestFairyFlutterPlugin.java or TestFairyFlutterPlugin.m file.

In your project root, run flutter clean; cd ios; pod repo update; pod install; pod update TestFairy; cd .. and test again.

  1. My widget's are not hidden in screenshots.

This is currently not supported in iOS and will be fixed in the next release.

Docs #

Go to docs...

Features supported by both Android and iOS #

  • begin
  • beginWithOptions
  • setServerEndpoint
  • getVersion
  • sendUserFeedback
  • addCheckpoint
  • addEvent
  • setCorrelationId
  • identifyWithTraits
  • identify
  • setUserId
  • setAttribute
  • getSessionUrl
  • showFeedbackForm
  • stop
  • resume
  • pause
  • log
  • setScreenName
  • didLastSessionCrash
  • enableCrashHandler
  • disableCrashHandler
  • enableMetric
  • disableMetric
  • enableFeedbackForm
  • disableFeedbackForm
  • setMaxSessionLength
  • bringFlutterToFront
  • enableVideo
  • disableVideo
  • takeScreenshot
  • disableAutoUpdate
  • hideWidget

Features supported by only Android #

  • setFeedbackOptions
pub points


verified publishertestfairy.com

TestFairy integration for Flutter, bundles with the native SDK



unknown (LICENSE)




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