sylph 0.3.0 sylph: ^0.3.0 copied to clipboard
A utility for running Flutter integration tests on pools of real devices in cloud. Works with AWS Device Farms.
A sylph is a mythological invisible being of the air. Wikipedia
Sylph #
Sylph is a command line utility for running Flutter integration and end-to-end tests on pools of real iOS and Android devices in the cloud. Sylph runs on a developer mac or in a CI environment.
Installation #
pub global activate sylph
Usage #
or, if not using the default config file:
sylph -c <path to config file>
Configuration #
All configuration information is passed to Sylph using a configuration file. The default config file is called sylph.yaml
project_name: flutter tests
default_job_timeout: 5 # minutes
tmp_dir: /tmp/sylph
artifacts_dir: /tmp/sylph_artifacts
# local timeout per device farm run
sylph_timeout: 720 # seconds approx
# run on ios and android pools concurrently (for faster results)
concurrent_runs: true
- pool_name: android pool 1
pool_type: android
- name: Samsung Galaxy S9 (Unlocked)
model: SM-G960U1
os: '8.0.0'
- pool_name: ios pool 1
pool_type: ios
- name: Apple iPhone X
model: A1865
os: '12.0'
- test_suite: example tests 1
main: test_driver/main1.dart
- test_driver/main1_test1.dart
- test_driver/main1_test2.dart
- android pool 1
- ios pool 1
job_timeout: 5 # minutes per each device run
- test_suite: example tests 2
main: test_driver/main2.dart
- test_driver/main2_test1.dart
- test_driver/main2_test2.dart
- android pool 1
- ios pool 1
job_timeout: 5 # minutes per each device run
Dependencies #
Install AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI)
curl "" -o ""
sudo ./awscli-bundle/install -i /usr/local/aws -b /usr/local/bin/aws
For alternative install options see:
AWS CLI Credentials #
Configure the AWS CLI credentials:
$ aws configure
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY
Default region name [None]: us-west-2
Default output format [None]: json
For alternative configuration options see:
Configuring a CI Environment for Sylph #
iOS builds #
Special handling for building iOS apps is required for running tests on remote real devices. In particular, provisioning profiles and certificates must be installed on the build machine. To install the dependencies needed to complete the iOS build, Fastlane's match is used. Sylph will detect it is running in a CI environment (using the CI environment variable), and will install fastlane files that in turn will install the dependencies needed to build the iOS app using Fastlane's match. The iOS build can then complete as normal.
The following environment variables are required by a CI build to build the iOS app:
This is the location of the private match repo. It expects an ssh-based url. For example, ssh:// - MATCH_PASSWORD
This is the password that was used to encrypt the git repo's contents during match setup.
For details on how to configure Match see:
The following are required by sylph in a CI environment to connect to the match host. The match host is running the ssh server that connects to the git server which serves the match repo. This configuration is required so that PUBLISHING_MATCH_CERTIFICATE_REPO will work via ssh:
This is used to configure the CI's ssh client to find the match host. For example, - MATCH_PORT
This is used to configure the CI's ssh client to find the match host's ssh port. For example, 22.
AWS CLI Credentials for CI #
The following AWS CLI credentials are required:
For details on other credentials see:
Note: the Travis-CI build uses pre-configured AWS CLI values in .aws/config
Example secrets for Travis-CI #
Sylph runs on Travis-CI and expects the following environment variables:
Live demo #
To see Sylph in action in a CI environment, a demo of the example app is available.
The log of the live run is here:
The resulting artifacts are here:
(includes a video of test running on device)
Contributing #
When contributing to this repository, please feel free to discuss via issue or pull request.
Issues and pull requests are welcome.
Your feedback is used to guide where development effort is focused. So feel free to create as many issues and pull requests as you want. You should expect a timely and considered response.