super_measurement 1.0.0 copy "super_measurement: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
super_measurement: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard

Dart package for converting unit measurement

Dart package for converting unit measurement #

Available Unit #

Mass #

  • Kilograms
  • Pounds
  • Ounces
  • Grams
  • StoneUK
  • Carats
  • Milligrams
  • Tonne
  • TonUK
  • TonUS
  • Quintal

Length #

  • Centimeters
  • Meters
  • Inches
  • Foot
  • Kilometers
  • Miles
  • Yards
  • NauticalMiles

Area #

  • SquareMeters
  • SquareFoot
  • SquareInches
  • Hectares
  • Acres
  • SquareCentimeters
  • SquareMiles
  • SquareYards
  • SquareKilometers

Volume #

  • CubicMeters
  • CubicFoot
  • CubicInches
  • CubicCentimeters
  • Liters
  • Milliliters
  • GallonsUS
  • GallonsImperial
  • BarrelsUS
  • BarrelsImperial

Speed #

  • KilometerPerHour
  • MeterPerSecond
  • MilesPerHour
  • Knot
  • FootPerSecond
  • FootPerMinute
  • FootPerHour
  • MilesPerMinute

Pressure #

  • StandardAtmosphere
  • Pascal
  • Bar
  • MillimeterOfMercury
  • InchesOfMercury
  • Torr
  • PoundsPerSquareInch

Power #

  • Kilowatt
  • Megawatt
  • Watt
  • Horsepower
  • Milliwatt

DataTransfer #

  • MegabytePerSecond
  • GigabytePerSecond
  • KilobytePerSecond
  • KilobitPerSecond
  • MegabitPerSecond
  • GigabitPerSecond

Time #

  • Year
  • Week
  • Day
  • Hour
  • Minute
  • Second
  • Millisecond

See example for usage #