step_counter 0.0.2 copy "step_counter: ^0.0.2" to clipboard
step_counter: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard

Flutter plugin that uses ObjC and Java to get a step count from HealthKit or the Google Fitness Store. The total steps today, steps during a time period, and steps during a time period in intervals ca [...]

step_counter #

Flutter plugin that uses ObjC and Java to get a step count from HealthKit or the Google Fitness Store. The total steps today, steps during a time period, and steps during a time period in intervals can all be queried.

Usage #

Add step_counter as a dependency in the pubspec.yaml file.

Setup #


Enable Fitness API and obtain an OAuth 2.0 client ID.


Enable HealthKit and add NSHealthShareUsageDescription key to the Info.plist file.

Functions #

Future<Map<dynamic, dynamic>> stepCountInIntervales = StepCounter.getStepsInIntervals(int startTimeMilliseconds, int endTimeMilliseconds, int intervalQuantity, String intervalUnit);

Future<int> stepCountToday = StepCounter.getStepsToday();

Future<int> getStepsDuringTimePeriod = StepCounter.getStepsDuringTime(int startTimeMilliseconds, int endTimeMilliseconds);

Sample Usage #

getSteps() {

    //Get today's date and set a date to the desired start date of the query.
    var now  = new;
    var past = now.subtract(new Duration(hours: 12));

    //Convert both dates to milliseconds since the "Unix epoch" 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z (UTC).
    int end   = now.millisecondsSinceEpoch;
    int start = past.millisecondsSinceEpoch;

    //Set the length and unit of intervals to be queried within the range of dates previously defined. Current
    //options are 'minutes', 'days', and 'hours'.
    int intervalLength = 20;
    String intervalUnit = 'minutes';

    //Query HealthKit (on iOS) or the Google Fitness Store (on Android) through StepCounter.

    //Get the total number of steps between the start and end date in intervals.
    //Returns key-value pairs of the start of the interval in milliseconds since the "Unix epoch" and the total
    //number of steps in that interval. Keys are sorted by time ascending.
    Future<Map<dynamic,dynamic>> stepCount = StepCounter.getStepsInIntervals(start, end, intervalLength, intervalUnit);

    //Get the total number of steps between the start date and end date.
    //Returns an int.
    Future<int> stepCount = StepCounter.getStepsDuringTime(start, end);

    //Get the total number of steps since midnight today.
    //Returns an int.
    Future<int> stepCount = StepCounter.getStepsToday();
pub points


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Flutter plugin that uses ObjC and Java to get a step count from HealthKit or the Google Fitness Store. The total steps today, steps during a time period, and steps during a time period in intervals can all be queried.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)




Packages that depend on step_counter