stacked_services 0.4.1 copy "stacked_services: ^0.4.1" to clipboard
stacked_services: ^0.4.1 copied to clipboard


A package that contains some default implementations of services required for a cleaner implementation of the Stacked Architecture.

Stacked Services #

Provides some essential services to aid in implementing the Stacked architecture. These services are only here to reduce boiler plate code for the users of the Stacked Architecture that uses the architecture as instructed by FilledStacks on the architecture series.

Services #

The following services are included in the package

  • NavigationService: Makes use of the Get package to expose basic navigation functionalities
  • DialogService: Makes use of the Get package to expose functionality that allows the dev to show dialogs from the ViewModels
  • SnackbarService: Makes use of the Get to expose the snack bar functionality to devs.

The services can be registered with get_it normally as you would usually

final locator = GetIt.instance;

locator.registerLazySingleton(() => NavigationService());

If you're using Injectable as recommended you can register the services using a third party services module. Create a new file in your services folder called thirdparty_services_module.dart.

abstract class ThirdPartyServicesModule {
  NavigationService get navigationService;
  DialogService get dialogService;
  SnackbarService get snackBarService;

If you now run

flutter pub run build_runner build

Your services will be available as usual on your locator instance.

Dialog Service #

The DialogService will show a platform specific dialog by default. You can change this by passing in dialogPlatform to your show dialog call.

await _dialogService.showDialog(
  title: 'Test Dialog Title',
  description: 'Test Dialog Description',
  dialogPlatform: DialogPlatform.Cupertino,

Custom Dialog UI #

In addition to platform specific UI you can also build your own custom dialog. To do that we'll do the following. In your UI folder or shared folder under UI, if you have one, create a new file called setup_dialog_ui.dart. Inside you will create a new function called setupDialogUi. In there you will call the function registerCustomDialogUi on the DialogService. Look at the setup_dialog_ui file for a full example

void registerCustomDialogUi() {
  var dialogService = locator<DialogService>();

   dialogService.registerCustomDialogUi((context, dialogRequest) => Dialog(
     child: // Build your UI here //

The dialog request is how you will control which dialog to build, if you have many custom dialogs. It is also possible to turn some parts on or based on what you'd like to show. The DialogRequest has a few properties which can make you easily decide which widgets to place in the dialog to show. All these properties can be passed in directly to the showCustomDialog function. Here are all the properties available for you to use.

 /// The title for the dialog
  final String title;

  /// Text so show in the dialog body
  final String description;

  /// Indicates if an image should be used or not
  final bool hasImage;

  /// The url / path to the image to show
  final String imageUrl;

  /// The text shown in the main button
  final String mainButtonTitle;

  /// A bool to indicate if you should show an icon in the main button
  final bool showIconInMainButton;

  /// The text to show on the secondary button on the dialog (cancel usually)
  final String secondaryButtonTitle;

  /// Indicates if you should show an icon in the main button
  final bool showIconInSecondaryButton;

  /// The text show on the third button on the dialog
  final String additionalButtonTitle;

  /// Indicates if you should show an icon in the additional button
  final bool showIconInAdditionalButton;

  /// Indicates if the dialog takes input
  final bool takesInput;

  /// Intended to be used with enums. If you want to create multiple different
  /// dialogs. Pass your enum in here and check the value in the builder
  final dynamic customData;

Setup and usage #

After you have created your register function go to your main.dart file and after you've registered your services with the locator call setupDialogUi.

void main() {

Now in your ViewModels you can make use of the dialog as follows.

 await _dialogService.showCustomDialog(
    title: 'This is a custom UI with Text as main button',
        'Sheck out the builder in the dialog_ui_register.dart file',
    mainButtonTitle: 'Ok');

Returning Data from Custom Dialog #

The custom dialog follows the same rules as the normal dialog. Calling completeDialog and passing in a DialogResponse object will return it to the caller that's awaiting on the dialog response UI. So when you have a tap handler in your dialog and you want to close the dialog, use the completeDialog function.

dialogService.registerCustomDialogUi((context, dialogRequest) => Dialog(
        child: Container(
          padding: const EdgeInsets.all(20),
          decoration: BoxDecoration(
            color: Colors.white,
            borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10),
          child: Column(
            mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
            children: <Widget>[
                style: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, fontSize: 23),
                height: 10,
                style: TextStyle(
                  fontSize: 18,
                height: 20,
                // Complete the dialog when you're done with it to return some data
                onTap: () => dialogService.completeDialog(DialogResponse(confirmed: true)),
                child: Container(
                  child: dialogRequest.showIconInMainButton
                      ? Icon(Icons.check_circle)
                      : Text(dialogRequest.mainButtonTitle),
                  padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 10),
                  width: double.infinity,
                  decoration: BoxDecoration(
                    color: Colors.redAccent,
                    borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(5),

Where you called your dialog function and awaited you'll receive the data returned from here.

var response = await _dialogService.showCustomDialog(
  title: 'My custom dialog',
  description: 'This is my dialog description',

if(response.confirmed) {
  // do some confirmation action here.
pub points



A package that contains some default implementations of services required for a cleaner implementation of the Stacked Architecture.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)


flutter, get, injectable


Packages that depend on stacked_services