shelf 0.3.0+4 copy "shelf: ^0.3.0+4" to clipboard
shelf: ^0.3.0+4 copied to clipboard

outdatedDart 1 only

Web Server Middleware for Dart


Web Server Middleware for Dart #

tl;dr #

Shelf makes it easy to create and compose web servers and parts of web servers. How?

  • Expose a small set of simple types.
  • Map server logic into a simple function: a single argument for the request, the response is the return value.
  • Trivially mix and match synchronous and asynchronous processing.
  • Flexibliity to return a simple string or a byte stream with the same model.

Example #

See example/example_server.dart

import 'package:shelf/shelf.dart' as shelf;
import 'package:shelf/shelf_io.dart' as io;

void main() {
  var handler = const shelf.Stack().addMiddleware(shelf.logRequests())

  io.serve(handler, 'localhost', 8080).then((server) {
    print('Serving at http://${}:${server.port}');

shelf.Response _echoRequest(shelf.Request request) {
  return new shelf.Response.ok('Request for "${request.pathInfo}"');

Inspiration #