scgateway_flutter_plugin 1.1.2 scgateway_flutter_plugin: ^1.1.2 copied to clipboard
Scgateway Flutter plugin.
Scgateway Flutter plugin. #
Minimum Versions #
Platform | Version |
flutter | >=1.20.0 |
android | minSdkVersion 21 |
ios | ios 11.0 |
Getting Started #
Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:
scgateway_flutter_plugin: ^1.0.0
From the terminal: Run
flutter pub get
Android setup #
add these lines in AndroidManifest.xml
in the main <application />
<activity android:name="com.smallcase.gateway.screens.transaction.activity.TransactionProcessActivity">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
android:scheme="scgateway" />
Replace "{YOUR_HOST_NAME}" with unique host name which is given to every integration partners.
Flutter interface #
The plugin exports all its methods with one default import. Import it using
import 'package:{scgateway_flutter_plugin}/scgateway_flutter_plugin.dart';
Setting up sdk for a transaction. #
To start using gateway setup the gateway with the desired configuration by calling setConfigEnvironment method which is available as a static method of ScgatewayFlutterPlugin class.
ScgatewayFlutterPlugin.setConfigEnvironment(enviroment, gateway_name, leprechaun_mode, isAmoEnabled)
Params : environment - (Required) This defines the Url environment to which all the gateway apis would point to.
ScgatewayFlutterPlugin.GatewayEnvironment {
gateway_name - (Required) This is a unique name given to every gateway consumer. leprechaun_mode-(Optional) For Testing purpose pass it as true else false. isAmoEnabled-(Optional) For Testing purpose pass it as true else false.
User Initialisation #
User initialization starts a session between the distributor and the gateway. Whenever there is a change in user session.
Params : authToken - (Required) JWT with the information of user signed using a shared secret between smallcase API and gateway backend.
Trigger Transaction #
To start a transaction call triggerGatewayTransaction method which is available as a static method of ScgatewayFlutterPlugin class.
Params : transactionId - (Required) Transaction id to create a the transaction.
NOTE TransactionId creation process remains same using Gateway backend APIs. Read more about transaction Id at Creating Transactions #
Lead Gen #
To trigger lead gen call triggerLeadGen method which is available as a static method on ScgatewayFlutterPlugin class.
ScgatewayFlutterPlugin.leadGen(name, email, contact, pincode);
Params : name: (Optional) Nname ff the User. email: (Optional) Email of the User. contact: (Optional) Contact number of the User. pinCode: (Optional) PIN code of the User.