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A collection of customizable and reusable Flutter widgets to simplify UI development. This package includes widgets for layout gaps, state management with GetX, and more to help developers build respo [...]

Sai Custom Widgets #

Sai Custom Widgets is a Flutter package that provides a collection of highly customizable widgets designed to simplify your development process. It includes custom buttons, text fields, dropdowns, switches, date pickers, and platform-specific list tiles.

Features #

  • Custom Date Picker: A customizable date picker with a builder pattern.
  • Custom Buttons: Buttons with multiple styles such as standard, outlined, and text buttons.
  • Searchable Dropdown: Dropdown with a search feature to quickly find and select items.
  • Custom Switch: A platform-adaptive switch with customizable behavior.
  • Custom Text Fields: Easy-to-validate text fields with password support.
  • Platform-Specific List Tiles: List tiles that adapt to both iOS and Android design principles.

Getting Started #

Installation #

To get started with sai_custom_widgets, add it to your pubspec.yaml:

  sai_custom_widgets: ^1.0.0

Example Usage #

Here’s an example of how to use the package in your Flutter app:

  1. Custom Date Picker
  2. Custom Button
  3. Custom Switch
  4. Custom Text Field

Preview #

Date Picker Preview

Custom Date Picker #

The CustomDatePickerWidget allows you to select a date within a range and handle the selected date.


firstDate: DateTime(2000),
lastDate: DateTime(3000),
onDateSelected: (date) {
    print("Date selected: $date");
builder: (context, date) {
    return Text("Selected Date: $date");


Parameter Type Description
initialDate DateTime The initial selected date.
firstDate DateTime The earliest selectable date.
lastDate DateTime The latest selectable date.
onDateSelected Function(DateTime) Callback when a date is selected.
builder Widget Function() Custom builder function to display selected date.

Custom Button #

The CustomButton is a button widget with several customizable options like loading state, disabled state, and outlined style.

Preview #

Custom Button Preview


text: "Press Me",
 onPressed: () {
    print("Button Pressed");


Parameter Type Description
text String The text displayed inside the button.
onPressed VoidCallback? Callback triggered when the button is pressed.
isLoading bool If true, shows a loading spinner. Default: false.
isDisabled bool If true, disables the button. Default: false.
isOutlined bool If true, makes the button outlined. Default: false.
isIcon bool If true, shows a Icon with the title
loadingWidget Widget Implement a custom loading widget
fullLoading bool If true make the title hide while loading

Custom Outlined Button #

The CustomOutlinedButton is an outlined version of the button.

Preview #

Custom Outlined Button Preview


text: "Outlined Button",
onPressed: () {
    print("Outlined Button Pressed");


Parameter Type Description
text String The text displayed inside the button.
onPressed VoidCallback? Callback triggered when the button is pressed.
isLoading bool If true, shows a loading spinner. Default: false.
isDisabled bool If true, disables the button. Default: false.

Custom Text Button #

The CustomTextButton is a text-only version of the button, similar to TextButton in Flutter.


text: "Text Button",
onPressed: () {
    print("Text Button Pressed");


Parameter Type Description
text String The text displayed inside the button.
onPressed VoidCallback? Callback triggered when the button is pressed.
isLoading bool If true, shows a loading spinner. Default: false.
isDisabled bool If true, disables the button. Default: false.

Searchable Dropdown #

The SearchableDropdown widget provides a dropdown list that supports search functionality.


hintText: 'Select a Fruit',
items: ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Orange'],
selectedItem: null,
onChanged: (value) {
    print('Selected: $value');
onSearch: (text) {
    print('Searching for: $text');
builder: (context, selectedItem) {
    return Text(selectedItem ?? 'Select a Fruit');


Parameter Type Description
hintText String The hint text to display before selection.
items List<String> The list of selectable items.
selectedItem String? The currently selected item (nullable).
onChanged Function(String?) Callback when an item is selected.
onSearch Function(String) Callback when a search query is entered.
builder Widget Function(BuildContext, String?) Custom builder for displaying the selected item.

Custom Switch #

The CustomSwitch is a customizable switch widget that adapts to both Android and iOS platform styles.


onSwitch: (value) {
    print("Switch value: $value");
initialValue: false,
builder: (context, isSwitched, inChange) {
    return GestureDetector(
      onTap: () {
      child: Text("Switch is $isSwitched"),


Parameter Type Description
initialValue bool The initial state of the switch.
onSwitch Function(bool) Callback when the switch state changes.
builder Widget Function(...) A builder function to customize the switch UI.

Custom Text Field #

The CustomTextField is a highly customizable text field with support for validators, password fields, and more.


hintText: "Enter your name",
onChanged: (value) {
    print("Name: $value");


Parameter Type Description
hintText String The placeholder text inside the text field.
controller TextEditingController? Controls the text being edited.
isPassword bool If true, hides the input text. Default: false.
onChanged Function(String)? Callback triggered when the text is changed.
validators List<ValidatorRule>? A list of validation rules to apply to the input.
onSubmitted Function(String)? Callback triggered when the user submits the input.

Platform Native List Tile #

The PlatformNativeListTile is a platform-specific list tile widget that adapts to both iOS and Android.


title: "List Tile",
subtitle: "This is a subtitle",
leading: Icon(Icons.person),
onTap: () => print("Tile Tapped"),


Parameter Type Description
title String The title text for the tile.
subtitle String? The subtitle text for the tile.
leading Widget The leading widget, typically an icon.
trailing Widget? The trailing widget, typically an icon or arrow.
onTap VoidCallback Callback when the tile is tapped.

Platform Native List Section #

The PlatformNativeListSection groups several list tiles together, platform-adaptively.


sectionHeader: "Section 1",
tiles: [
      title: "Tile 1",
      subtitle: "Subtitle 1",
      leading: Icon(Icons.account_circle),
      trailing: Icon(Icons.arrow_forward_ios),
      onTap: () {
        print("Tile 1 tapped");
      title: "Tile 2",
      subtitle: "Subtitle 2",
      leading: Icon(,
      trailing: Icon(Icons.arrow_forward_ios),
      onTap: () {
        print("Tile 2 tapped");
 padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),


Parameter Type Description
sectionHeader String? The header text of the section.
tiles List<PlatformNativeListTile> List of platform-native list tiles to display.
padding EdgeInsetsGeometry? Optional padding around the list section.



Weekly Downloads

A collection of customizable and reusable Flutter widgets to simplify UI development. This package includes widgets for layout gaps, state management with GetX, and more to help developers build responsive and dynamic UIs easily.


API reference


unknown (license)


flutter, gap, get, meta


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