rosetta_generator 0.0.3+3 copy "rosetta_generator: ^0.0.3+3" to clipboard
rosetta_generator: ^0.0.3+3 copied to clipboard


Generator tool used with Rosetta annotations. This generates the helper and delegate classes for Flutter localizations.

rosetta_generator #


Generates Helper classes for localization files, which can be used with flutter_localizations library.

Configuration #

  1. Add rosetta to pubspec.yaml under the dependencies: section. The latest version is Pub
    sdk: flutter
    sdk: flutter
  rosetta: ^latest_version
  1. Add build_runner and rosetta_generator under the dev_dependencies: section of the pubspec.yaml file. The latest version is Pub
  build_runner: '>=0.10.3 <1.2.0'
  rosetta_generator: ^latest_version
  1. Add (or modify) the build.yaml file in the same folder as the pubspec.yaml and include the rosetta builder.

Usage #

In your library add the following import:

import 'package:rosetta/rosetta.dart';

Create a class containing two static members which will be used later for localization:

class Translation {
  static LocalizationsDelegate<Translation> delegate;

  static Translation of(BuildContext context) {
    return Localizations.of(context, Translation);

Annotate the class with the rosetta Stone annotation. The path parameter should point to a directory containing the [languageCode].json localization files.

@Stone(path: 'i18n')
class Translation {
  static LocalizationsDelegate<Translation> delegate;

  static Translation of(BuildContext context) {
    return Localizations.of(context, Translation);

Include the part directive indicating the file that will be generated (typically the same file with a .g extension before .dart):

part 'rosetta_generator_example.g.dart';

Run build_runner:

flutter packages pub run build_runner build

Note: On first attempt to run this command you might encounter a conflict error. If so, please add the --delete-conflicting-outputs argument to your command:

flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

(This additional argument allows the command to overwrite the .g.dart file if necessary.)

You can also use the watch command instead of build. This will generate your file when it's saved.

flutter packages pub run build_runner watch

This process will generate 3 classes (let's assume that the annotated class was called Translation as in the example above):

  • _$Keys: Contains all your keys as static fields, this is currently for internal use.
  • _$TranslationDelegate: This is an implementation of LocalizationsDelegate<Translation>, this should be passed to MaterialApp or CupertinoApp as a localization delegate. Also should be passed to the static delegate attribute of your original class.
  • _$TranslationHelper: An abstract class, which is meant to be mixed in to your annotated class. Contains functions to access the localized strings for each key (ex.: String get emptyList => _translate(_$Keys.emptyList);).

If you apply the generated classes you will end up something like this:

@Stone(path: 'i18n')
class Translation with _$TranslationHelper { // Generated mixin class
  static LocalizationsDelegate<Translation> delegate = _$TranslationDelegate(); // Generated delegate

  static Translation of(BuildContext context) {
    return Localizations.of(context, Translation);

You can now start using your localization logic:

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
        body: Center(
          child: Text(
          	/// Returns a string repesented with a key "hello_there" in the localization files.
      localizationsDelegates: [
      	/// Returns the generated delegate, which will setup the [Translation] instances.
      supportedLocales: [
        const Locale(SupportedLocales.english),
      theme: ThemeData(

The generated code backing the above functionality looks something like this (changes according to translation input):

class _$TranslationDelegate extends LocalizationsDelegate<Translation> {
  bool isSupported(Locale locale) => ["en"].contains(locale.languageCode);

  bool shouldReload(LocalizationsDelegate<Translation> old) => false;

  Future<Translation> load(Locale locale) async {
    var translations = Translation();
    await translations.load(locale);
    return translations;

class _$Keys {
  static final String helloThere = "hello_there";

  static final String seeYouSoon = "see_you_soon";

abstract class _$TranslationHelper {
  Map<String, String> _translations;

  Future<void> load(Locale locale) async {
    var jsonStr =
        await rootBundle.loadString("i18n/${locale.languageCode}.json");
    Map<String, dynamic> jsonMap = json.decode(jsonStr);
    _translations = jsonMap
        .map<String, String>((key, value) => MapEntry(key, value as String));

  String _translate(String key) => _translations[key];

  String get helloThere => _translate(_$Keys.helloThere);
  String get seeYouSoon => _translate(_$Keys.seeYouSoon);
pub points


unverified uploader

Generator tool used with Rosetta annotations. This generates the helper and delegate classes for Flutter localizations.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)


analyzer, build, code_builder, dart_style, path, recase, rosetta, source_gen


Packages that depend on rosetta_generator